You, too, must have spent agonising hours breaking your head, metaphorically, of course, against making the computer accept a simple programme. It is at such frustrating moments that you wonder whether the computer is a friend or a foe, right?
In that sense, it is no different from most human beings, I would say. The poor computer is written as per the zero-one binary. So, the error can be easily rectified. As for human beings, the less said, the better.
Human beings are quite like volcanoes, right? No way of knowing when why which would erupt, and in that wake follows everything, fumes, fury-n-sound, clouds that render everything invisible, red hot lava, destruction, in brief, everywhere!
Well, most human encounters are no different, right? The problem is how to respond, right? If you always take it lying down, the impression is that you are, not submissive, but a stupid fool. Everybody can take advantage of you, is the impression!
If you fight back, you are a fighter-cock. Well, it is conveniently forgotten during such accusations that you cannot fight with the wind, right? That means you are fighting with someone, and unless and until that person fought/fights with you, possibly you cannot. But you alone would be blamed!
So life is tough, in brief. It is just that the computer encounter sometimes mimics human beings! After all, like creator, like creation!
Pratima@Violence may or may not beget violence. But non-violence sure snaps or slaps back at you. Well, often one wonders if it indeed is true that even Gandhiji, who could stand up to a Churchill, would not have managed with Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin, in combo or individually!
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