Monday, May 10, 2021

Morning Mystery!

 Let me now share why I am a little late in publishing the blog today

Have a look at the pic that I have shared. Yesterday, very late in the evening while I had a look at it, I felt as if she was smiling more kindly and tenderly in that pic than ever. Of course, that silly fancy of mine is nothing but a stage of grieving. I do know that. But the heart has reasons the head never knows of.

Given that feel, I had a very disturbed sleep. Now, no reason, moreover, why I must be up-n-early!

Well, anyways, what is this notion named commemoration? What exactly is it that we miss? Not the mere physical presence. No, not for sure. It does matter though. Yet, when I suddenly realise that she is not there, often I get the very strong feel that, oh, she must be at Raju's or at Sanju's place as earlier she used to go there for Ganapati or Diwali. And there is something within me that is absoluyely assured of  this certainty. So it cannot be the mere physical presence.

Rather commemoration is those millions of moments of mirth, of  togetherness, of shared sadnesses, too. Actually, though, commemoration is NOW missing her sterling qualities of head, heart, and soul. Did I praise her often when she was there? I think I did. I tried to encourage each and every activity of hers in my own small but sure ways.

But NOW the feel that worries me is `was that enough'? What more should I have done to make Mama mia more merry?

Commemoration, in brief, has an iota of regret, a sense of lost occasions wherein one should have been more sensitive, more sensible as now is forever lost that chance, right? What do you think?

The video I am going to upload to some extent captures this feel of mine.

Signing off for the time being.

Pratima as ever.  

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