Monday, July 22, 2024

Guru Purnima

Guru Pournima! As usual,  I received many students' ardent wishes for the day. Sure I was both elated and thankful for my students' response. Yet I would like to accede most humbly that a guru is sure much more than a mere subject teacher.

Who is a guru? A guru gives you a vision. This vision both clarifies and enriches your life. The guru thus gives you goals worthy of  a challenge to your very 'i'-dentity. But these goals are not merely related to progress in the earthly life. Rather, the goals a guru gives enhance your selfhood.

In that sense, our first guru would be the parents. They initiate us in to life in every possible way. Next, in my opinion, our pets are our gurus, too,  as they teach us selfless love. 

The great books we read are our gurus, too, as they add intellectual sophistication and a depth of vision to our selves. Nature, in my opinion, shows us what grandeur is, and thus enlarges and deepens our vision.

In brief, a guru is all that is divine in our life. The guru principle makes us better as a human being, and thus sure deserves  our most humble and permanent gratitude!

Pratima@ A guru  is god in human(e) form!

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