Again Begins a New Year!
Nascent yet! Eager to explore?
Enough excuses! Why fear?
Write in it stories unique n clear!
pratima@resolutions simple but sure / intentions pure n clear/thus get created Tales/Wherein the Best prevails!
Mama mia ! Yes, that is going to be the title of this BlogSpot. The Spanish expression means, o, mother of mine. As a Spanish exclamation, it includes every shade of each emotion. Just like Aai. As we continue day by day this infinite exploration, we would love to analyse the very notion of motherhood,its prismatic relationship to a mother’s multiple roles, and finally to her own self. Join us in this journey down the memory lane, and beyond.
March 8 is the day women are showered with praise, hugely, in heaps and heaps. Literally, women are drenched in admiration on March 8. On t...
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