Monday, January 24, 2022

A Day Dedicated

 Yes, January 24 is indeed a day dedicated. In both the senses of the term. In that, it is a dedicated, committed day. It is, moreover, a day dedicated to the girl child. And does she need it! Indeed! Absolutely! For sure!

Though,this year, in 2021-2, the sex ratio is rather impressive, in a patriarchal society like ours, even today, a girl child is not exactly welcome even in so called educated families. Sure, the number of families with just one daughter is on the rise, at least in metro or quasi metro cities.

The uniqueness of India, however, is that we are simultaneously living in multiple centuries. There are parts of India that can compete to advantage with New York or any other global metro, while there are the adivasi 'pada's', for instance, that face the 'Jungle Raj' in every sense of the term. Why go so far away? Even in Pune, the so called cultural centre of Maharashtra and the much touted Oxford of the East, there are pockets that belong to absolutely contrasting, mutually exclusive societal structures.

In such a socio-cultural context, a girl child needs support, familial, societal, educational, cultural, financial, and what have you. No wonder, the need for such a day never diminishes, nary dwindles. 

It would, one day, when the star of women would be in the ascendent. That day is not too far away, moreover. Slowly but surely, the rays of women's achievements are en-light-en-ing the darkest corners of the Indian society. In brief, Indian women shall overcome, and that day is not very far away either. For the time being, the need to celebrate the girl child day till rings in that midnight hour when all the citizens of India will rise together, while gender differentiations will die dormant. Forever.

Pratima@a girl is a blessing/that is forever refreshing!

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