Sunday, January 16, 2022

Covid infected 'e-ducation'

 Do you find the title of the blog today rather confusing? Well, my submission is that the patient who has truly suffered a lot during the Covid era is education. It is indeed on oxygen.

Why do I say so? Well, initially, I felt that Covid could be a semester long, may be, and students who lacked connectivity in any form could be helped through good content generation that can be shared via variegated technology that is easily accessible, may be, the traditional radio and television, already established as proven means for educational dissemination.

Well, in my naive optimism, I did not realise that the exam system, the bane forever of the educational scenario, is going to assume the online avatar. It did, and dwindled, moreover, in the the currently ubiquitous mcq's.

This form of testing, whether in the formative or summative version, has reduced studies in to object-ifiable  items.  It is, moreover, mostly mere information that is easy to remember. All the higher order skills seem scarce here. Forget imagination, innovative thinking, even simple deduction is missing. If earlier examinations stressed rote learning, now rote learning is coupled with simplification of questions and deletion as the method of arriving  at answers. 

Practically every student seems to be getting at least ninety on hundred. It makes all happy. Well, it is not health, it is bloating which would finally ruin the body. Hope faster than Corona vanishes this disease!

Pratima@future depends on what you do today, said Gandhiji

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 You, too, must have spent agonising hours breaking your head, metaphorically, of course, against making the computer accept a simple progra...