Saturday, June 29, 2024


 When it comes to electronic devices which are monitored by, which are operating according to softwares, there is always a huge possibility of hacking. To counter such possibilities through perfect preparation, legally are conducted ethical hackathons. Wretched, wicked, weird and twisted minds can use such (now AI-generated) bots, et al, to hack any, even unrelated, accounts.

One such hack-a-tho(r)n happened this evening @ my Telegram account. Well, I hardly use it, rarely open it. I am on the Telegram at all because of the DHFL compulsions. Next the literature and film study kinda groups got appended. Yes, the German students appended me to their  group, too. I do not  send messages on the Telegram, nor use/consult those there either. I do not even check seminar invites, call for chapters there. Even when I get intimations about who has joined Telegram, I do not even look up the invite either.

In brief, I do not operate the Telegram account much. It is almost dormant. Well, the college is to float a course in Basic Spanish. In the information regarding the course, my mobile number was shared. Generally I upload my e-mail address as I feel it is more within my control. 

Anyways, these days the mobile number, too, is very easy to access, beginning from Accounts of others (on the FB, the invites are by friends of friends or of everybody in a group), Banks, from such A, B, to every xyz! Whatever be the mode, yes, I got an extremely quirky Telegram message to identify some pic which could not be opened on my devices. There were a few technical mumbo-jumbo messages as well. First, I thought it could be some code glitch.

Fun was the message regarding opening the pic which happened to be some link. It got sent to all the accounts that the Telegram accessed from my WhatsApp. It was sent by some Aishwarya/Akanksha Natrajan. I do not know any such person. Funnier was the accompanying message which was in Russian! Apparently, it was from Texas and Ukraine!!! 

Oh, yes, for the last two months, I am getting e-mails about how the applications I never sent are getting processed. Well, there is no way, for instance, I would apply to the GE or to some British hospital where I am supposed to provide food related supplements! I negate and delete such e-mails.

Crazy! As for the Telegram, I put the information on all the professional groups and on my Whatsapp status. Here I want to state that with the internet, now further enabled by the AI, creeps from all professions, creeds and credos get an anonymous toolkit to harass innocent women who have nothing to do with them. 

Surely, it is nutcase cowards and cads with some obsessive/compulsive behavioural disorder who would continue to stalk anonymously, who would try to 'control' incognito, who would spread  unsubstantiated canards which even brainless fools would not be able to believe.  No 'MAN' would ever indulge in such cheap targetting as a revenge for rejecting unwarranted advances! Sick and stupid, in brief! Actually to be ignored totally. Mentioned it here to avoid any mess!

Pratima@ I have taken screen shots of each and every message. First I wondered if i should approach the cyber police. May be, I would if such lunatic idiocy gets repeated in any form!

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