Tuesday, June 25, 2024

None can fool anyone even once!

 Remember Abraham Lincoln's famous quote, "you can fool some people some time" et al which ends with "you cannot fool all the people all the time." The blog title today is a take on it. Well, this afternoon I faced a hilarious situation which prompts me to concoct this title.

This nutty incident happened in a bank. The personnel in this bank seem to belong to some dunciad. Why so? Well, for more than two long years, despite my initial polite rejection, and later disgusted dismissal, day in and day out, I used to get  at least two calls per day from this bank to make me buy the credit card. 

First, I thought that the insistence must be due to the allotted quota to be completed in a day.  Slowly but surely, I started getting the feel that it was a form of stalking, though through someone paid in 'kind', obviously to irritate me or to get a credit card so that my money can be indirectly used. Thankfully, that boring pursuit has stopped! At least, temporarily!! Hope so!!!

Now this bank has allotted a personal caretaker, as do all the private banks, to assist the 'customer'! One of my FD's was to mature. When this person (how to call him a gentleman!) called me up, I told him that I want to increase the capital amount. As the FD matured on a fourth Saturday, I made the mistake of going to the branch as per the 'advice' of this personal caretaker at 3.30ish as he insisted that I should inform him beforehand.

He was not there. I was told to call him up. He must have been in the vicinity as he appeared on the scene in a jiffy. I wanted the TDS certificate and the increase in the capital amount,if possible, as the mechanical roll-over as per standing instructions had happened already. 

He started the sales talk about two schemes which is okay, I thought, his duty/his daily quota.  I tried to cut it short by saying I would think through the schemes. I was polite as usual. He would not budge! The same thing went on and on and on. No, I did not feel sleepy. I started getting the image of a mouth, no, not as an ATM, but as if it were a printing machine spouting out meaningless reams! And the irritating bother was one could not even laugh.

What I found truly doltish was the fact that he kept on harping and harping and harping on my age (which I have never ever hidden! What is there is to age? Everyone is older than someone else!), and wonder of wonders, my possible death! Ha, ha, ha! Is he, or the person who paid him in some form or the other for such buffonery, going to live forever? As I told another such jester in another private bank, these days in every household, there are the elderly, hey, 'senior citizens', nearing ninety! I am decades and decades and decades away from such an honour.

He would repeatedly guess my age (seventy, seventy-five, and so on) in any which way as if consciously to irritate me! What such morons do not know is that I find such ageism sheer fun. My irony never seems to penetrate the thick skulls.

Yet another creepy craziness was his insistence on my grandchildren. I have never ever understood such an obsession. Begetting a baby, if our population is any proof, must be quite easy! What is the unique or special skill in being a grandparent that needs a 'grand' display, especially because the creepily (c)rude parents of these grandchildren have been really badly brought up! 

To get back to the bank fellow, he went on and on and on, apparently advising! Was there some ulterior motive as on  his mobile he kept on telling someone that he has "got stuck up" which was actually bothersome to me!

Well, 'public' bank officers scream at you for no reason no rhyme. Private bank 'customer care'(!!!) officers bore you to death. Ask them for a TDS certificate or at least an interest statement. Despite our money fattening their pay cheques, they would quote thousand rules and hefty amounts for a piece of paper! But ferreting out personal details (at someone's paid insistence?), ah, are they excellent at it! Must be profitable to such dolts in some way or the other! Sheer boredom it is to the unlucky victim, believe me!

Pratima@ 'When you keep your mouth shut, some fools may suspect that you are wise. Why then open that trap to let loose verbal diarrhea, with the result that all doubts are forever removed from everybody's mind!' My take on Mark Twain's classic comment on yak-yak-yak, and yak!

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