Friday, June 14, 2024


Online I teach French to a Dubai based student. The family is from Goa. Behind each soft, musical sound of French, I hence hear the unique rhythms of Goa.

For a Maharashtrian, the 1961 annexation of Goa is not a very pleasant memory. Very proud Marathis are of the valour of the stalwarts who suffered hugely, even embraced martyrdom for the liberation of Goa.

Despite such harsh history, it has to be admitted that Goa indeed is magical charm. No, no, one does not have to guzzle the famous "feni" to thus get intoxicated with the Goan 'spirit'. Nor does one have to go the 'hippie' hashish way to attain the Goan 'nirvana'. I suppose, that is the touristy Goa, right?

The real Goa is the 'sushegat' sense. May be, it is the old world buildings, the winding narrow roads with the greenest canopy, the tingle of the Konkani dialect, the unique fĂȘtes-n-floats, and the gentle 'ghazal' of the sun-kissed sea waves, Goa always gives you the feel that Time itself seems to relax here. The Spanish 'siesta-fiesta' scheme seems to suit superbly to the Goan 'sushegat' mood, right?

There is a calm, quiet, laid-back feel to Goa. It is not the Lotus Eaters' subtle but sure death wish that Tennyson captured superbly. Rather there seems to be a mood of contentment, a happy, no (y)earning laid-back life style without the harrying hurry of the metro cities.

Goa forever seems to be in a time warp wrapped in the pre-Industrial, agrarian self-sufficient barter existence full of leisure, the quiet, contented dream Marx' Manifesto outlines. The ideal 'sushegat' sensation wherein you have loads of time on hand to curl in a corner swing, sipping a coffee, eating a cashew nut now and then, with a great book, the Spanish guitar or some such great music on the loop, and your pet peacefully nestling at your feet! That is h(e)aven indeed!

Pratima@ You may think that every holiday I must hurry to Goa. Well, forget such rushing, I have never been there. See the power of imagination fed by great texts and superb videos? Well, yet another 'sushegat'  item on my long wish list, hopefully soon to be fulfilled!

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