Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Memories yet again!

 It is the Tripuri pournima day today. Without fail, a huge 'miss you' day! Aai used to herself make the special 'Tripura wat'. It is a huge process of wick making, but she did not mind it. Actually, both Aai-Papa were not terribly rigid about any religious details, but they sincerely performed all such major rituals that add a unique lyricism to the ordinary daily life, may be.

Aai used to next perform the Aarti, having lighted up the special wick. We used to light up, as I did this evening, our front yard with lots of  'panati's', the Diwali special earthen dia's. As part of her seventy-fifth birthday celebration, the three of us used seventy-five earthen días in a bouquet design at the celebration site. Later, on the Tripuri Pournima day, i used all these to light up an entire Shiv Mandir nearby.  She loved the sight.

If one understands the myth of Tripurasura, may be, it means scorching out all the bad negativities in us. It could, may be, mean transcending the Triguna Maya, and attain the ultimate bramhananda, may be. On a mundane level, it could mean getting ready to drive away the approaching bitter cold days ahead, may be 

 In a 'secular' way, the day is important for all, the Hindu's, the Sikh's, the Jain's. The day thus proves the beauty of our multi-stranded existence through this respecting-all-religions way! Happy Dev Diwali, the official day of the ritualistic Dev Diwali that 'finally ends' the fortnight long Diwali celebrations.

Pratima@Beauty of the purity of memories!

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