Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The bestest Friend

 Who is our bestest friend? You may wonder why i am using such a double superlative? Sure, English does not allow it. May be, the Bard did use it. But that was some four hundred seventy years ago. Not permitted any longer. But he does deserve it, and, in fact, only it, the double superlative, in every description of his.

Yes, you guessed it right. I AM talking of the one and only him, the pet dog. What total dedication has he, and what infinite love! Let me give you a concrete example. My brother has a pet dog, Tasha. My brother loves him a lot, takes utmost care of him as if he were a child. 

And yet Tasha has reserved for me a corner of his huge large heart that pulsates in that small little body. Actually, what exactly do i do for him? Get him treats that he loves, and pet him a lot, chat with him most lovingly. Believe me, our meets together are hardly thrice or four times a year. And yet that small little being, a beagle, remembers every one of our activities together ever since he was a pup. 

Whence this huge fund of love? Such a small little brain and a tiny heart in comparison with that of a human being! Yet unbounden is the affection. So many qualities he has in abundance, love, affection, patience, loyalty, care of and concern for the master, benevolence, remembrance, the list can be almost endless. Huge is his joy when he welcomes you home. Honestly, at times, one feels pet dogs are much much nicer than many human beings. 

Believe me, he even communicates, talks with his tail, why he can make multiple types of sounds, too, but truly with his lovely eyes that go real round when he has to convey some special feel.  The curl of his warm body against one's legs, one's stomach or right next to your face  (as ten times during a night he would curl and re-wrap himself around your hand or feet) is simply divine. No wonder, if you were to re-read the word dog the other way round, it reads god!

Pratima@ Love animate and honest, without any demands, that is the canine pet!

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