Monday, November 14, 2022

Childhood is fun!

 As it is November 14, i thought I would share this truly telling joke about childhood.

 No, i am not going to repeat that 'rum' (pun strictly not intended) one about how childhood is like getting drunk as in both the cases, everyone else, except you yourself, remembers what you did!

No, i am not going to repeat that joke about Corona childhood wherein Mom yells at the child when she returns home, " pachas pachas bar hath dho lo, nahin to corona aa jayega" aka the Corona terror the Gabbar way!

Well, the joke i want to tell goes as follows: A bothersome brat, who was  equally  troublesome as a teenager, goes down the memory lane, and decides to visit his childhood home as he is now nostalgia personified. He knocks on the door, and asks the residents if he can re-visit his childhood home. The horrified residents bang the door on his face. They are his long suffering parents! Well, the moral of the story is, aka food for one is poison for another, one generation's childhood is another generation's terror!😂

Pratima@ Childhood IS fun! So this attempt to tickle the funny bone, of course, figuratively!😂😂😂

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