Thursday, November 17, 2022

Of Sibling Bondage

 The title of this blog, as you have must have easily guessed, is a take on the famous moniker of  Maughm's novel. The original text is a rather sad and quite complex bildungsroman, a coming of age narrative. The story our blog today explores is, on the contrary, absolutely sweet, cute and 'loving' every which way. It tells the sweet story of a young love hidden from others, and yet shared not only with each other, but with one's best buddy till then, the sibling. Hence this title!

I would not know the occasion et al as the video which enfolds the story is quite obviously a clip. It shows the two British princes, William and Harry.  It is some game or a pre-dance ritual, or whatever. It shows the elder brother 'showing' his bride-to-be to the young confidant.

Even when the royalty is involved, everything about the cute video is so very absolutely normal, the elder brother sharing through subtle gestures and silent glances 'the' secret without letting anyone else know, she blushing, the confused younger sibling finally cottoning on to the scenario, and the stuff. Well, that is the fairy tale that  makes life truly royal, right?

Well, be it the princes or the common citizens, such lovely bonds are typical. Sure life may add kaleidoscopic contours to that first visceral friendship, the bond with the siblings, and in multiple ways. And yet it stays. 

Sure one knows in a very mature way that the adult whom one now knows would obviously be different from the kid you once adored as your own self. Much water has flown under the bridge! Yet the 'other' unmistakable influences cannot completely wither away this original visceral bond.

It does not matter hence that we hardly meet each other. Neither does the physical distance matter. When we meet, however briefly, and after months, the feel is as if nothing has changed. The threads  forever remain shared, never get shred.

May be, it is the shared DNA design or, may be, the same blood coursing  through the veins, may be , it is this basic biology or the first formative years, the sibling bond never goes out of fashion. 

We may meet each other briefly, after months, at a quite public event, in a large group, and yet we cannot forget one another, each deeply rooted in the very veins of the other. It would hence be difficult to act crude, or badly, in front of an elder sibling or the protective feel for the  kid brothers continues even when you get a nagging  suspicion that they may resent it. Indeed steadfast and forever for/giving are the sibling bonds, born and bred and brought up together!

Pratima@ Child is the father of man, said Wordsworth. The sibling is the mirror to self, says Pratima.


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