Friday, December 16, 2022

A Word of Appreciation

 Yesterday, almost towards the end of the day, i got a wapp message by my student.  Vikram has ever been a good student. Even at the end of his teens, he was in a big way in to world cinema. Ever helpful he was as far the technical hitches n glitches went while watching films with the entire three hundred strong Additional English batch or conducting the two hundred big group of the World Mother Tongue day programmes. When such a sincere, focussed student writes to praise the blog posts, it indeed makes one feel happy. 

Vikram's wapp message of appreciation made me think of the act of, the process of appreciation. True, whatever one does, teach, write a blog, it is out of a genuine commitment as well as sincere work ethic. Without sounding pompous hence, one can say that the teaching, the writing would be, and are, their own prize. 

Yet we all are human. A response, a word of appreciation sure are welcome. Why, forget us human beings, even gods themselves love praise, right? I do believe in appreciating everything i like, enjoy, admire. I sure do write small little notes of appreciation. At least, i do send an emoji or two. 

Indeed appreciation, i think, makes us large hearted as we thus learn to think beyond our own immediate self-centered concerns. We learn to accept that others are as good as ourselves, if not better. In brief, a line of appreciation is an expression of all that is good in us. Long live the ability to appreciate others!

Pratima@ Appreciation of all that is good, whether in the inanimate (indeed!?!) nature or in other human beings, enlarges our being, b(e)aring, and thus our becoming better!

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