Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Ignoble Prizes!

Have you ever heard of the 'ignoble' prizes? No, i am not pulling either a punch or anybody's leg. Yes, indeed, 'ignoble' prizes exist. They are awarded each year with much pomp punctured with hilarity.

Personally i find this spoof, treated with levity presented most sincerely, simply SUPERB. Wonder why? Well, in my opinion, the very tradition proves how not to take oneself terribly seriously. I do feel that many, why, most in our midst , could learn a lot through this practice.

One wonders at times if it is indeed very necessary to be terribly touchy about every issue which most often is nothing but  socially sanctioned mean politicking. Once nasty politicking is awarded a grand name, people feel free to harass, to throw the remnants of conscience to the winds, I suppose. 

You do not believe me? Well, try applying for the post of a lecturer in a college or, worse still, university. You would know the true colours of the otherwise oh-so-liberal, modern, progressive, etc etc etc and etc intellectuals. The kind of meannesses and extremely cheap politicking involved, not to forget the monies and THE contacts doing the pulling and pushing for you, leaves nothing to imagination!

 These very grandees, who anyways would land the jobs as they know the ropes, would otherwise be eternally spouting oh-so-very sensitive statements, in a stance of or personification of eloquence and equity, et al, et al, et al, and et al!

Even if you have not applied for, but, may be, you appear a tough contender for some such position in very near future, you had it! Life would be made (through all sorts of impossible rumours and canards) so miserable on mere suspicion that you immediately understand why Desdemona chose to die at Othello's hands!

 Suppose there is a written test before the supposed interview and you actually have the gall to appear for it, during the exam, the favourite daahlings would snatch the question paper and allied material from you. 

Of course, everything would get done oh so ceremoniously! I suppose, it must be worth it as thus future is settled once and for all as who would dare touch such dear ones during, and beyond the probation?Thereafter, all sorts of goodies such as paid journeys for seminars within and beyond the country, monies for book publishing, for instance, are yours to grab, whether or not you actually teach!

In brief, such wonders would eternally ignore the dirtiest politics they continually play, but they would be at the vanguard of each and every one of democratic etc etc etc depositions! Instead of such spuriousness, sorry, sorry, i meant seriousness, i do prefer the gentle mockery of the  ignoble  prizes! What say?

Pratima@ Actions, activities, attitudes when confronted with life deciding choices tell us a lot about people than all the wow words worthily wafted whichever way!


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