Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 Oh, what is corruption? Does it merely exist in the market? In the world outside?  Well, not really! Coz we certainly, and most mistakenly, associate monetary misdeeds to be routed off as corruption, we miss the real focus while thinking of corruption.

In my opinion, corruption is within. It is the mind, the soul that gets corrupt, and thence follows the external manifestation thereof which can be in every and any field.  Let me explain this concept through a simile. If an apple, for example, is rotten from within, then and only then, its skin, the pulp, the taste, the look, all would be bad. On the contrary, however, it can never be the case that only the skin is bad. The skin may get a tint or two while the merchant handles it, but it cannot touch the core, for example. 

If you are honest with your own self (and with those who truly care for you, close as they are to you), you would remain on the best terms with your soul and your conscience. You would not hence need any pretensions. Thus away from any innate falsehoods, you would not care for any protestations of your cleanliness and innocence as these would inevitably just be there. Corruption, which detests such august and pure company,  would run away from you then, not you from corruption!

Pratima@ Real integrity, the true base of a non-corrupt mind and life, is what you do when none is looking on!

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