Thursday, December 29, 2022


 All of us feel threatened now and then, right? We perfectly very well know how to deal with it, too, right? I suppose, initially, we should plain ignore the threatening presences, right?  If that does not work, I suppose, we should confront the source, right?

We are on the same page so far, it seems. You would hence agree with me that it is a wee bit little too difficult when one has to face a constant threat whose source cannot be located, but one senses its presence 24x7! No, no, it is not at all paranoia. An example or two may suffice, right?

Well, since early morning till midnight, if some mobike or two-wheeler zooms past the lane, you cannot question it as the lane happens to be a public road. Well, right under the huge neem tree in the compound of the house next door, such vehicles stop, how can you question that either?

Such surveillance goes on though. Someone constantly seems to keep a tab on every move of yours, when you wake up, when you eat, when you sleep, what do you do during the afternoons, evenings, and so on, and so on! Who you speak to, where you go, why you go there, whom you wapp, whom you e-mail, the weird interest never, never ever, stops.

Such surveillance, being easier with the ubiquitous technology, is no longer frustrating or irritating. It honestly gets plain amusing as this invisible presence, constantly interested in each and every activity of yours, seems so pathetic and  appears real stupid because you learn to plain ignore it, and you carry on with life.

The purpose of threatening you by constantly keeping tabs on each and every movement of yours, in fact, starts getting hugely comic. Well, if you are, for example, going to sing at a semi-public function, and the driver of the auto you hire at the nearby auto stand continues singing for all the  forty-five minutes of the busy traffic, you learn your musical notes better, hone them  by contrast, i suppose!

 In brief, when the threat is palpable, extremely real, but the perpetrator (and his minions) is coward enough to be absent and indirect, laugh to yourself at the fool, oh, yes, that is the best solution! What say?

Pratima@ Plain ignoring a cowardly crook is the best solution as nothing else could correct such a creepy fool, and his cohorts, whether paid and/or unpaid!

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