Tuesday, December 20, 2022


 Have you ever met a person who never ever had a single problem, who never ever faced any setback in life? Well, you must be the rarest of the rare if you have actually managed this feat. Well, everyone, i repeat, everyone, faces countless difficulties in his/her life, and often practically every day. 

Would you agree with me if i were to say that we are absolutely far, far, far luckier than many? To prove this point of mine, let me give you the example of Stephen Hawking. Hyper intelligent, a Cambridge doctorate to prove this assertion, his was the last word in a field like cosmology,  incidentally,  just one of his countless specialisations.

He wrote, amongst many other theoretical and popular treatises,  the Brief History of Time. He had a rather happy family life, despite a very busy professional career. He had a great sense of quite cheeky humour. So what, is that your question?

Well, let me tell you that in his early twenties, he was diagnosed with an auto immune kind of motor neuron condition that would severely debilitate his physical control. When for no fault of his, his body, so to say, started rebelling against him, did he give up, throw in the towel, grovel in self pity and inertia? NOPE! He took control of himself and his extremely difficult situation. Well, when he died at the ripe old age of seventy six, he had literally changed the profile of cosmology! 

Roughly fifty years of a rare auto immune disease! How many countless difficulties he must have faced? With an indomitable will power and an intelligent use of technology that must have caused excruciating pain each moment, he remained resilient. 

Would you agree with me if i were to say that we have the choice of leading our life with a mock at all that tries to pull us down? I do not know if you would share my opinion but i very strongly believe that negativities avoid us, misfortunes start getting afraid of us when they realise that they cannot really cow us down!

 Sure, times do get terribly tough. No one is denying that. Yet why not look at each such stiff step as a passing phase? If nothing is permanent in life except change, why not constantly change for a better self by the day, why arrest oneself in adversities? Do not we thus belittle those who continue to love us, have faith in us that we SHALL overcome? Well, there never has been a night that could cancel out a sunrise!

Pratima@ i suppose, it is wiser to let our hopes, not our hurts, to shape us! HOPE= High Optimism, Problems (E)lapse!

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