Tuesday, January 9, 2024


 There are certain cheap people without any work to do. Their own lives are dullness itself. They themselves are brainless, moreover. So it is a curious combination, empty minded, brainless weirdos with lots of time on hand. What do you think could be their profession? Yes, you guessed it right! They are third rate cheap gossipmongers. 

Let me give you an example or two. Look at the Amitabh family. How does it matter to anybody how he disposes off his hard-earned money? Time was when he was totally broke, and he reinvented himself again and again to be what he is today, successful in his profession and with a good bank balance. 

Did anybody help him in his difficult days, in his dire straits? None! The no-brainer clowns and cartoons are, however, busy speculating about which part of his property he gave to whom! Obviously, it is cheap jealousy because they themselves have no property as they lack everything, talent, brains, creativity, and sincere genuine work ethic. 

The only property they have is empty brains and loose tongues! How to deal with such fools? To begin with, ignore them completely. Behave as if these devil's creations do not exist at all. Of course, that irritates them more and more.  They continue to jabber and blubber. Boring cheap fools! Poor things! What else can they do, right?

Next, never ever let them know the truth. With all the wrong information tidbits they beg from here and there, they stitch together a see-through, silly story which makes THEM appear extremely stupid, foolish and cheap, which anyway is their reality, right? 

They are not even worth a smirk, these silly, empty fools with third rate lives. To make them reveal themselves this reality of theirs, false clues which are nowhere near the truth are the best tactics. Shivaji Maharaj used this guerrilla technique most effectively, and made the mighty moghuls lose everything! Long live the stupidity of cheap creeps!

Pratima@ Gossip is the best tribute third rate psychos with a criminal mindset pay to people they cannot bring down, despite trying very hard!

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