Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Hell hath no fury!

 Indeed hell hath no fury like Mother Nature in her worst moods. The very first day of 2024 was greeted with Mother Nature's foul frame of mind. What a huge tantrum she threw! Yes, I am referring to the 7.5 Richter earthquake that hit Central-Western Japan.

A number of videos which I saw showed the massive power of the huge earthquake. In some unidentified office, the wall clock was dancing wildly on the wall, and its very frame was re-shaping itself in such a way that would have shamed Dali's, or any surrealist artist's, melting clock!

It was a shallow earthquake with an epicenter in the sea . A tsunami would be inevitable. Hope the waves do not rise sky high. Why, some two hundred kilometers away in Tokyo, the tremors were felt. The walls built to save towns from the sea water are no use in such cases.

In one of the close-ups in one such video, I saw the retreating water in those typical tsunami formations. Hope the tsunami waves are not terribly high. Remember the 2004 tsunami that hit Southern India? Horror it was indeed!

Yet another whim of Mamma Nature that I saw this evening was the Ventura County being pummelled by surf that billowed up to two meters! The Pacific is anyways the deepest of all the oceans. Its rogue waves were truly a terror to see.

Well, despite our forays in to the space, we are helpless like tawdry tin toys when Mother Nature chooses to turn nasty. Be it the water or the wind or the sky, fearsome they are in their fury. Terror these  "panch mahabhoota" are whose absolute power  Aai often talked of.  It must have hurt her heart a lot to constantly remember that her favourite most child sailed across such dicey conditions. A mother after all!

Pratima@ Let us learn to respect the "call of the Nature" (literally, not figuratively, please), wild and weird are its echoes! Lesson No.1 reiterated by  Day No.1 of 2024!

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