Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 Oh, the very title of our blog makes you wince? In the very first week, on just the third day of the New Year, why the reference to illness, hospital, that awful odour that permeates a hospital which is a mix of the floor cleaner, medicines, blood, pus, and so on? Is that your question?

Well, do not worry. We are not at all using the word 'patient' as a noun. We are using it as an adjective. If the word 'patient' as a noun is all that is worrisome, as an adjective, it is all that is positive. That is the beauty of English, both the change in a word, as a part of speech, and the change that thus takes place at the level of meaning.

Well, right now, I do not want to bore you with discussions of syntax and semantics. Let us know, let us understand why patient as an adjective sounds good. Indeed a patient individual is a person who is tolerant, calm, composed, forbearing and uncomplaining.

Now certain vocations need you to be patient. Yes, I am referring to parents, and next, teachers. Both know that change never happens overnight. Revolution is actually evolution, is what they both know. 

That brings us back to the New Year. Yes, the New Year Resolutions! You want them to flourish, and not fizzle out. Be patient. Take baby steps. You may falter a little. Do not give up. Be patient! You would realise you have started to change, slowly, may be, but surely! Revolution is evolution!

Pratima@ If you change, they say, the way you look at things, the things you look at change. For  the better, let me add!

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