Saturday, January 6, 2024

Laugh awhile!

 At times, that total and horrible injustice called life simply gets on nerves. In such situations, which better solution than jokes? Hence here are a few. Not silly, for sure! 'Coz they are good ones, eh, puns!

1) It is already January 6. How time flies! Much faster than supersonic jets. Hence this one!

What did grandfather clock say to the AI-smart wristwatch? 

Hour you doing?

2)Why are snails slow? 

Their house is their backpack.

3) Which is the smartest insect?

The spelling bee! For sure!

4)Whenever there is a tide, the ocean is super friendly. Why?

Waves, eh!

5) This is the last one, but a good one indeed.

What did the right eye say to the left?

Between the two of us, there IS something that smells!

Pratima@ When Life is a croak/What is better than a joke!?! /So Smile, laugh, guffaw/he he hu hu ho ha!

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