Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Rumour mongering

 Have you seen a lizard? Sure you would have. Even if your home is the cleanest, a lizard may enter via the door or the window mesh. Actually, it is quite helpful as it eats up mosquitoes, roaches and other such insects. Many people are quite afraid of it, too.

No, the blog today is not a lecture on lizards. There are any number of YouTube videos available for that purpose! Who cares how (in)efficient they are! Well, that is neither our theme today.

I am referring to the lizard because of a proverb in Marathi. Literally translated, it would read as "a lizard's run is just up to the fence". What it implies is that your world view is as big or small as your vision, your intellectual capacity, and your perspective and/or prejudices. 

Indeed, it is the perspective that determines your outlook. The more limited it is, the more prejudiced and awful you are as a person. Let me give you a concrete example. If a man and a woman are seen together, sick people would immediately jump to the silliest conclusions!

Thus start rumours. Rumours are the bastard babies of sick and silly brains, born(e) out of their negligible intellectual capacities, and warped and twisted perspectives. Such gossips can hook up anyone with anyone. Even if a woman would not touch a creep with a barge pole, is never even seen with the fool, it does not stop such  perverts from spreading silliest and most baseless rumours.

Interestingly, rumours can be rampant about anybody. Today it is the birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Countless rumours make rounds about him! On one of the wapp groups, one Ajay Maktedar each day provides nuggets of wisdom about Gandhiji.

In his post on January 23, he writes that many in the Congress did not want Bose as the president et al because he was mentally unstable! Poor Netaji! His only offence was that, given his times, he had an alternative, different vision of making India independent!

Actually, his plan was a daring one, and he was resolute and resourceful enough to make it a reality as well. Yet rumours would not leave him even after his unfortunate death. He was the Gumnami Baba for many! Why would a brave man like him hide himself even after Independence? But how can you expect logic, brain, cogent, coherent thinking from rumour-mongers!!!

Most rumours hence are utmost ridiculous, and downright laughable. One such cringeworthy rumour is that Adani wanted Ravish Kumar out, and so bought the publication/media house. How ridiculous to be such a "bhakt" of a journalist! Honestly, his videos are a proof of how you hate for the sake of hating! The moment one is in to that trap,  everything is in a warped wrap, I suppose. Yet he pontificates constantly about every other journalist's reliability! 

No, I have absolutely no yen for the so-called crony capitalism. Yet I cannot ignore the real hard fact that Adani began his career in 1978/9, prospered in the 1990's, is close to all sorts and shades of  politicians. Does even common sense allow a person of mediocre intellect to believe that such a person with tentacles in every possible political party needs to buy/sell a publication/media house to oust a journalist!?!Get real, right? 

Newspapers/media houses et al actually are often run/bought/sold for tax deductions! I used to freelance on a daily, regular basis for an English newspaper which was just a front for income tax adjustments. The minute it was not thus needed, it was shut down. The careers of people with twenty years of service, and nowhere to go, were at stake! It hardly mattered that those sincere hard-working colleagues of mine faced a huge mid-life crisis. Video-journalism was not rampant either in the early years of this century!

 I think, moreover, that tycoons are wary creatures, and would not get in to a mess with a vociferous journo. Yet countless rumours got spread when he resigned! In my opinion, the entire shenanigans were quite ridiculous, nay, even ludicrous because they were far and further from the lurid realities of how/why corporate (media) houses run! 

In brief, rumour-mongering reduces a person indeed in to a lizard whose run is up to the fence!

Pratima@ Prejudices pervert perceptions!

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