Sunday, February 18, 2024

Edifying Edison

When we were small, my parents would often talk to us of the great folks in many fields. Thus at a very early stage, Marie Curie entered my life.  Marie Curie was a double Nobel Prize winner. She won those two prizes without any politicking, and in times that were inimical to women's University education. Aai used to talk very highly of her, and I continue to think of her as one of my idols.

Such an upbringing made me devour the small little school library where I met Edison first. Was I dazzled! Here was a man who almost single-handedly gave technology the gravitas of pure sciences, and yet he was so very unbelievably down to earth!

Sure all his inventions are undoubtedly great. Personally, however, I like him for his never-say-never attitude. He was optimism and positivity personified. He suffered countless setbacks. Never ever did he let them destroy him. 

I find this quality great , especially when everywhere around, one sees wimps who almost parade their so-called depression, mollycoddled as they are by a stupidly loving parent! Any minor to major setback, and they collapse. May be, because they are very sure that out of his helpless love, the poor parent would be there to support!

Edison, on the contrary, found an opportunity in the worst case scenario to re-build everything yet again, and from the scratch. This restructuring included his own thought process and belief system.  He is, in my opinion, all that is the best in the survivor syndrome. Hence the title to this blog. Edifying indeed Edison is!

Pratima@ All his quotes are simply great. Reading them is itself sheer encouragement! 

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