Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Lady of the Bridges

 It is the National Science day today. It is celebrated in our country in the memory of C.V.Raman. Raman, Ramanujan,Bhabha, these are great scientists indeed, given their towering presence in the field of Indian Science and Technology. Despite every trouble and each lacunae, they created a body of work that can equal anyone's in the affluent West.

If that is the case with men scientists, imagine how much tougher it must be for women scientists and technocrats. She has to fight the establishment at multiple levels, the home front to the work space. There is tremendous pettiness and vicious attempts to harass her, create hurdles in her path by most everybody, colleagues to extended family.

Against such a background, let us remember Shakuntala Bhagat, the first woman civil engineer in Pre-Independence India who specialised in bridge building. She continued her yeomen services even in the post-independence era as well. Those days, she tried extremely difficult experiments such as toe-bridges to strengthen old, dysfunctional bridges, for instance. Moreover, her constructs were from the use and throw material. Great, indeed! Hence this tribute to her! 

Pratima@Currently, India is specialising in wonderful bridge building. Hence this remembrance of Ms Bhagat's contribution as she tried it those days, and despite (m)any distractions!

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