Monday, February 26, 2024

Why all this at all?

 What makes us human(e)? I suppose concern and care, right? Well, we should be concerned with all that is the best trying to be better in each and every field, while we should take care of all that is weaker every which way, physically (the old and the children, for instance), financially (the poor and the downtrodden), for instance, and so on.

Unfortunately, however, these days, most of us seem to have stopped being human(e) apparently. Let me give you an example. These days, if an accident of any magnitude takes place, what is the typical reaction? Everyone whips out the mobile, but, hey, not to call the police or the ambulance or the fire brigade, mind you. Most of the great souls with grand mobiles of the latest make are interested in filming the unfortunate event, in making reels that could go viral. 

I would not know if that 'viral' bit gets people truckloads of money based on the likes, et al , which  would be absolutely insane and inhuman(e). Even if it were not so, the very spectator mentality is a downright horror! How can anyone revel in someone else's huge trouble? Such sadistic   nonchalance is a no-no even amongst animals from whom we seem to have apparently 'evolved'!

Such voyeurism makes  one horrifically hard-hearted, narrowly self-centred, and selfish. If you cannot feel the pain, the hurt, the agony of the other, you cannot expect others to come to your help in your time of need either. Imagine that unfortunately you meet with a fatal accident, what should others do? Help you or film you while you are bleeding away to death? 

If you are so heartless and completely lack sensitivity, how can you ever be concerned with the bettering of the best? You would be so horribly obsessed with self in a silly competitive way that you would revel in the pain, in the misfortune, in the failure of others, especially when they are far better than you!

Why be so very narrow and mean?  After all, such negativity is going to demean, belittle, finish YOU in the final analysis! In brief, why all this at all?

Pratima@ "Be kind," said Plato,"because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

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