Saturday, March 23, 2024

Water: The Elixir

 Given the World Water Day, and given the world wide scarcity of water, the blog today says the minimal: just a few quotations!

1)"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water!", maintains W.H.Auden

2)"Water is the driving force of all nature," asserts Leonardo Da Vinci

3) "Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine,"says a Slovakian proverb.

4)"Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of the container," argues Wallace Steven.

5) "Water, water, every where,/And all the boards did shrink;/Water, water, every where,/Nor any drop to drink.", wrote S.T.Coleridge.

We may re-invent the ancient "bawdi" system of water management. We may run water trains. We may process the hydrogen from the space missions. Whatever form it may take, life needs water!

Pratima@Water is important. It is not abundant. Do not waste water! Save water! Potable water is priceless!

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