Saturday, March 16, 2024

Who is afraid of studies?

 The title of our blog, a visible take-off on Edward Albee's title, may make you knowingly smirk, and come up with the but obvious answer, 'well, it is students who are afraid of studies/studying', et al. Well, being a lecturer in English literatures at the PG level, and  in English and other foreign languages at the UG level, I am indeed sorry to disillusion you. 

No, it is NOT students who are afraid of studies. Believe me, it is teachers! Yes, you read it right. These days, it is teachers who are afraid of students, of their studying, or rather not studying!

Why? Well, exams these days are hardly conducted to authenticate a learner's awareness of the field of study, her/his understanding of it, et al. Exams these days take place to 'pass' students!

Often, many teachers do not conduct lectures, do not completely and thoroughly cover the portion, do not teach with commitment. Naturally, an exam is a ritual for them.

It is still more of a ritual for most learners. Most of them are working part time somewhere or the other. Sure, some families may indeed need such help. Most often though, such 'time pass' is for easy pocket money. Neither do they get any real experience nor any in-depth awareness of the syllabus!

Colleges do not believe in attendance! No punishment no fine is due even if a student does not attend a single lecture! No wonder, exams are a mere ritual. In brief, none is really afraid of the exam, and 'all is well, all is well' with studies in the  Bollywood phillum fashion!

Pratima@ Such is the sad state when the world over the knowledge economy is getting more and more automated! Where would such half-baked, absolutely unoriginal ignoramuses be in such 'certain to arrive' contexts? Why create a depressed/down-n-out future !?!

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