Friday, March 1, 2024

The World Mother Tongue Day

 February 29 was indeed special this year because it was the leap day. Yes, 2024 is a leap year, and the leap day now would be after four long years. Given the very many problems facing the world, be it the multiple wars, the epidemics, hope mankind would survive hale and hearty!

On this unique day, we celebrated the World Mother Tongue Day which actually falls on February 21. On that day, however, began the H S C exam. As it happened to be the very day of a large scale exam, there could be minor hiccups here and there. Hence the actual celebration took place on the leap day.

This chance occurrence was wonderful in a way as students whom I teach German performed five playlets on various issues, while other students read the Preamble to the Constitution in various Indian languages as this is the seventy-fifth year of the Indian Constitution.

The World Mother Tongue Day is celebrated the world over as a tribute to the Dhaka University academicians' struggle to keep the mother tongue alive. Indeed in the globalised world today, the local is getting ignored, be it the language or the culture. Such days matter hence because thus is yet again asserted the need to respect every language and each mother tongue!

Pratima@ Languages reflect the very soul of the users. Hence the need to respect and refine the linguistic usage! 

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