Monday, March 4, 2024

Wild Life?

 March 3 is supposed to be the World Wild Life day. Well, as mankind 'progresses', wild life decreases. Mankind marauds, the wild habitat decreases, leading to mankind and wild life conflicts. Yet another fact is that the trade in the body parts of wild animals flourishes. The elephant tusk/ivory, the fur, the skin,the teeth, there is no way the mankind-wild life conflicts would soon die down. 

Thus the biodiversity, which is the main stay of the balance of the life on this planet, gets threatened. Thus emerges the need to protect the wild variety, which limps on, despite the huge extinction, of the flora and fauna on this earth. Actually, it is a clarion call for our own survival as well. Given the 'natural cycle', the 'food chain/cycle' kinda concepts, human existence itself needs the wild wife survival.

All this chatterati  blubber is good and grand, and noble and ideal at least as an axiom which we all hopefully would practice! Personally, I have only one single grouse against the day, that is, its nomenclature. I do think that human speech and activities are always far more wilder than all the bears, boars, bucks put together. No tiger can match the ferocity of human cruelty. Lions who are not hungry can comfortably allow a gazelle to loiter around, but not the selfish mankind. In other words, I genuinely appreciate the goodness and kindness existing in the so-called 'wild' life! Animals, always, any  day any time are far far more decent than the 'wild' mankind!

Pratima@The only wild animal on this earth is MAN!

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