Saturday, August 31, 2024


 The Olympics (and its shenanigans in India) are just over. Now for four years, most Olympic medal winners would be in the 'out of sight, out of mind' phase. In such a scenario, how/when does a super-achiever like Manu Bhaker 'feel blessed'? 

Let me give you two examples that should prove/explain the feel of elation. Recently she met Sachin Tendulkar. That made her very happy. I suppose, this idol/ideal worship is truly touching because it proves the hard/sincere/genuine work, commitment, devotion involved in superior achievements.

The second one would be the happy, warm and elegant reception she received in a five star hotel. There were monogrammed pillows to towels for her. She thanked the establishment for such a warm welcome most politely and cordially. 

Both, the appreciation by the establishment as representatives of spectators/audience and her humility and amicability as an achiever, are worth emulation. If a sincere person is not appreciated for her genuine contribution, it demeans those who behave thus. Equally needed is the humbleness by the achievers.

Surely what is not needed is unnecessarily dragging an achiever in to any petty politicking or needling the person unnecessarily about her private life. No wonder, she walked out of a 'shooting range' of an interview when she was questioned about the Vinesh issue or her relationship with Neeraj Chopra!

Pratima@ Some people would say that as a woman athlete, she must take a stand. Is it always necessary to throw a stone in murky waters? Do not individuals have any rights to choose their fights? To guard their privacy?

Friday, August 30, 2024

THE Bestie

 Recently was celebrated one of the best days. Can you guess which one? Yes, you nailed it. I am referring to the recently celebrated International Dog Day. 

Well, time was when 'dog's life' would refer to a tough, difficult, nay, impossible life. Now,the term would often refer to the most comfy, cushy, relaxed life. And why not indeed? Dogs do deserve a good life.

Why? 'Coz in a wicked world full of self-obsessed entities, dogs are the only islands full of all that is selfless love and genuine devotion. Very, very few human beings can match that kind of 'giving' without expecting much in reward except kindness and love.

In the world of pets, cats are the best example of self-obsessions, plural intended, consciously used. A cat owns your house, and treats you as her slave. A dog, on the contrary, loves you and yours, be it household or people.

The wild joy a dog feels at your sight can be the best balm to a wounded soul. Best solace that can cure any and every hurt indeed! For your dog, do not give him any fancy food, but do spare for him at least some ten minutes of daily togetherness. Believe me, there IS a gentle smile of pure affection on the dog's visage which, may be, is one of the best blessings you may ever get.

His anxiety of separation when he guesses that you are about to leave is palpable. His unhappiness IS writ large over his expressive face. How many people notice you, your gestures, your movements, or so keenly respond to you? Very FEW, right? So enjoy that sunshine of a blessed feel as long as it lasts 

Pratima@ Best wishes to THE Bestie who understands and responds to every feel and each mood of yours! A dog is god, read the reverse way.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Gem of purest ray serene

 It is a huge paradox that in his hugely famous "Elegy written in a country churchyard" from which the title of our blog is taken, Thomas Gray presents and praises most lyrically the most unsung, the least famous but genuine contributors to the world's welfare. Often does this happen. In any organisation to any huge political, social or cultural movement, there are people who manage mountainous measures of work, but are never celebrated, forget even enough recognised!

Such selfless people carry on the  humane societies on their unsung shoulders. Many such were part of the Freedom Struggle. Today let us discuss an interesting person, Veerchand Gandhi, not directly part of the Independence Movement, yet he contributed hugely to the idea of India.

We are soon going to celebrate the anniversary of Swami Vivekananda's speech at the Religious Conclave. Present in the very same Chicago Congress was Veerchand Gandhi. He represented the Jain consciousness, and really effectively.

His anecdote-rich speech was so brilliant that he was made to stay back in the U. S. to attend many more, though smaller, such conclaves. He contributed to the betterment of the oppressed women as well. Very few know him though, forget getting to know/appreciate his genuine contribution. Here is my sincere homage to the unsung hero!

Pratima@ I got to read about this Gandhiji on a wapp group. Rare example indeed of the social media actually being useful!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Meaningful Meal

 For most people, Shrawan Vadya Navami is far more important. Why? Well, that is the day of fun-n-frolic.  Yes, it is the 'dahi handi' day, a day both the govinda's and the celebrities love a lot. The govinda's like it because on this day, they can perform, enact, literally live their skill of forming a human pyramid.

The celebrities like it because they manage to get the 'supari', which is nothing but a generously paid-for invite for such events. How did this celebration of "dahi handi" begin? 

The answer lies in Kanhaiya's childhood. At Nanda's 'gokul', the lovably naughty kid would form such a pyramid with his friends to break open the earthen pots tied up, quite high for a child otherwise. Literally would there be a sheer shower of milk, buttermilk, butter and ghee that Yashoda Maiya and all the other gopi's would keep ready for sale in the local market.

The lovely little toddler thus showered with  the milk products would look so cute that all these tasty offences would be immediately forgiven to this culprit. Even when he grew up and became a cowherd, each of his lunches would be with his companions. Sharing and caring, the theme of his existence ever since childhood, thus got highlighted. Hence the "dahi handi" to commemorate this togetherness.

As Aai was from Pandharpur, we would prepare 'gopal kala' for breakfast, as it is the practice there. Believe me, it is unbelievably tasty, absolutely yummy, what with the perfect sizzle of the asafoedita and cumin seeds atop the tangy curd soaked puffed rice with a perfect mix of salt and sugar, and garnished with ginger and finely chopped coriander leaves.

Beyond such surfeit of the taste buds, what does the ritual mean? In my opinion, Krishna, an organic leader emerging from within the common people, understood the need for shared bonds with his community. So he lived with them, ate with them without much ado for his status as Nanda's son. In brief, he preached and practised a happy bonhomie, a joyous togetherness with his people. Hence the title of this blog!

Pratima@Every year the 'dahi handi' gets tied up higher and higher by the organiser cum the local leader who would thus gain fame and name. But does anyone care for the safety of the players who perform these stunts? Are they granted any help in case there is an unfortunate accident? Are they health insured?

 Well, in Spain, this adventure sports is a hot favourite. But the performers wear helmets during the actual show, and they are health insured as well.  In the India today, such precautions would truly make the traditional togetherness in to the most  meaningful meal.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Pure Joy

 Pure joy, unalloyed, unambiguous, unextinguished. Yes, that pure joy is Shri Krishna. Why do these adjectives qualifying the pure joy matter? 'Coz, throughout his life, Krishna had very few reasons to be happy, and yet none could take away his joy.

That is why Krishna is special. Compare him with Shri Rama. Shri Rama is never diplomatic. He is all that is sheer integrity, pure idealism, inalienable conscientiousness. Shri Krishna, on the other hand, would not mind confronting a Karna with "where was your Dharma then?" when Karna quotes it conveniently. Look at the way he deals with Jayadratha, earlier with Jarasandha. 

In other words, Shri Krishna IS aware of the imperfect realities of life. He had to be. He confronted them repeatedly in his life. He had a "mama", his maternal uncle, who wanted him dead even before he was born. To save his life, his father would wade neck deep in a river in full spate. From his birth till his death, Shri Krishna had to face ugly realities constantly, be it Putana Mavashi to his misconstrued death.

Hence the importance of his joy. He celebrates it constantly, and makes others join it. At Nanda's Gokul, gleefully he shares with every child milk, butter, ghee, and so on. In a way, his joy is special because he is sharing with the downtrodden, whom he represents in multiple ways, what belongs to them. 

In the Gowardhan Parvat incident, his joy  again comes from confronting the power of the mighty Indra, angered for no valid reason. Krishna protects a hapless people happily, and makes  them happy, too. 

Each incident in the life of this People's God can thus be explained. He spreads, shares joy again and again despite every conceivable difficulty.  He chooses joy over despair again and again. Throughout his life, he lacked lots of things, repeatedly he had to give up the stable shores that make for easy joy. 

 Yet he chose joy that comes from a creative alternative vision. In the Kuru Kshetra, too, he advises 'duty' because it leads to joy. He tells Arjuna, "If you fight, you would win and rule as an emperor. If you lose, you would ascend to the Heavens as you would be martyred for the right cause, for performing perfectly your duty." 

In other words, repeatedly he offers choices for a happy, joyous existence when every which way the dice is tilted against it. Like the soft sur's of his basari, his flute, joy re-sounds repeatedly as his real message. Hence the need to celebrate his birth, the birth of pure joy, in brief.

Pratima@Janmashtami is also the jayanti of Sant Dnyaneshwar who, too, led an extremely difficult life, and yet at the age of twenty-one, wrote a 'pasaydan' that celebrates yet again, joyful peace! 

Hence the blog today en'joy'ing their vision!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Space is not the limit

 Sky is not the limit. That is the usual saying. Look at India's confident strides in the field, nay, expanse, of space research. Some proof it is of the fact that space is indeed not the limit.

The Indian space research began rather unconventionally if you remember the famous picture of  the parts of the space shuttle being carried atop a bullock cart. That did not deter us. Neither did a few failed efforts. We bounced back with renewed vigour so much so that the Chandrayan managed to land on a part of the moon never attempted by any other country.

Yet another remarkable aspect of the space programme of India, I think, is the participation of women in it. This is a highly admirable aspect of the achievement in this field which consisted of other, even developed, countries choosing the Indian propellers to shunt their satellites in to the space orbit.

The space research now-a-days is accessible and open to private players as well which is sure to speed up its growth. In brief, the space research in India showcases a lot of potential. No wonder, the government chose to name a day-n-date to celebrate it. Long live India's space programme!

Pratima@ The debate about a developing country  affording space research is no longer relevant as the space programme is both the soft as well as hard power of India.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trouble is most welcome, trouble makers are not!

 Is trouble welcome? Indeed, yes. Trouble teaches, and a lot. To begin with, trouble teaches one how strong one is despite being simple, straightforward, sincere and genuine, qualities that are considered 'stupid' these days. Trouble shows one that being driven by heart, by emotions is good, too.

Trouble teaches one how resilient one is, how one bounces back, and better, despite all the difficulties, doubts, distractions. In this way, trouble makes one smarter as well. Intellect, in fact, because of trouble, becomes razor sharp.

Is there any problem with trouble, especially when it makes one more self-reflexive, more humble, more humane? Yes, there is! What is the problem? Well, one starts noticing, nay, identifying the trouble makers!

Are trouble makers welcome? Of course, NOT! Sure they are vicious. Why suffer their cheap wickedness, especially when one is not involved in any way in their ugly, creepy, cheap meannesses? Why be victimised for the trouble makers' self obsession? Why suffer in silence the sadism of the crooks of all sorts? THAT is the question!

For SURE, these consciously, knowingly wicked monstrosities must be gotten rid of. How, that is the question! Ignoring them does not seem to register on these brain-dead buffoons. Would confronting help?

No way should these old (in all senses of the term 'old') cheapos of all sexes be allowed to continue endlessly their harassment, and for no rhyme no reason. 'Coz indeed trouble is welcome, trouble makers are absolutely NOT! 

Pratima@ Trouble makers have the protection of the powers that be. Yet there is a power higher than all the power-mongers. Sure it stands by the innocent, and fulfils each of her pleas and prayers.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Elderly is as elderly does!

 Apparently August 24 is the World Elderly Citizen day. Not many know of it. Not many would celebrate it even if they knew it. Actually, it needs huge celebration , especially because the elderly no longer enjoy the respect reserved for them traditionally. 

Earlier, as per the tradition, the elderly were supposed to be the repository of wisdom. Their authentic experience born(e) awareness was valued. No longer is that the scenario. It is mostly believed that the older are lost (in)to a warp in time. They are not in touch with the current realities.

Hence the title of this blog. Everything they do, speak, behave is elderly. Elderly is, in brief, a short form for irrelevant, useless, worthy of throwing away. 

Actually it is absolutely not so. Let us look at a few examples. A typical granny would advise you to go for a tall glass of warm milk (or water, if you hate the very smell of milk) with turmeric powder, two or three black pepper seeds, a few fennel seeds and a few shreds of cinnamon. The best drink it us, eespecially if you add a spoonful jaggery to it.

Those who love to guzzle coke or beer would sure find the traditional concoction boring. Brainless actually they are coz they think elderly is the drink as the elderly are. Actually, in the West, this health drink is much preferred!

In fact, I would say that the elderly these days hardly try to advise the young who anyways are never going to listen. Instead they choose to live a life of their own. They enjoy hugely all sorts of positivities.They are tech savvy, too. 

They live life on their own terms instead of being dismissed or discarded by the so-called young. Their mantra is 'elderly is as elderly does"!

Pratima@ Why waste your invaluable wor(l)ds on callow stupidities of the not-so-young? Instead live life king-size, eh, elderly-n-wise!


Friday, August 23, 2024

Being and Becoming Shri Rama

 The Shri Rama saga is so infinite that there literally are thousands of versions thereof. Each re-vision would have its own interpretation of the major events of the Ramayana story.

Today let us talk of two incidents which I would like to interpret from a woman's, and from a contemporaneous, point of view. The first is about the Lakshman Rekha. Sita crosses it, albeit due to kindness of heart and a willingness to fulfil her duty of offering  food to a 'sadhu'. Contemporaneously, there is no such Lakshman Rekha possible at all. Why, what with the new tech, the private-most sphere is accessible as well. The tragedy of this borderless world is that there are Ravana's galore, and everywhere!

Now let us attempt the second contemporaneous interpretation. After her abduction, Sita was harassed every possible way so that she would accept Ravana's proposal. As she refused to budge an inch, his subterfuge was to don Rama's identity to lure her.

 She saw through the game for sure. The real tragedy for Ravana was that having assumed Rama-ness, the absolute purity thus instilled in him would not allow him even to glance in her direction. How I wish the very many Ravana's now, present at every footstep, are thus neutralised of their negativities!

Pratima@ In memoriam of Tulsidas whose birth anniversary was recently celebrated, and as a counter to the very many Kalkata's everywhere.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Entrepreneur Spirit

 Who is an entrepreneur? This French word, with its oh-so-chic pronunciation, is often the most bandied around. Especially in an India, with its vision of self-reliance and start-up's, being an entrepreneur is quite a fashion statement.

Actually, entrepreneurship flows in the veins of certain Indian communities. Our Gujju "Kem cho?", our Marwari "padharo mharo des" and our Punjabi "balle, balle" are heard in every corner of the world. Sure you know the famous joke about the South Indian "kapi n idli" shanty that Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary loved at the Everest, right?

In other words, most Indians are born entrepreneurs. They are good at noticing a change; they are better at responding to it; and they are the best at making it in to a business opportunity.

The very many successes of women's self-help groups that prove the business acumen of  the ignored fifty per cent of India establish beyond doubt the entrepreneurial qualities of Indians.

The twenty-first century with its mad rush after the AI should consciously nurture this spirit. It anyway runs in the jugad psyche of the Indians so much so that the next Silicon Valley might be here in India!

Yet entrepreneurship must be ethical. Such should be the brand value that it is a synonym for excellence as in the case of German and Japanese products. Here is wishing Indians lot of success on the World Entrepreneur Day!

Pratima@ Entrepreneurship is the theory of evolution in the field of business!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Black-Out Statement

 What have we come to as a society? Nirbhaya to Abhaya, the unfortunate incidents do not seem to stop.  The tragic series unfurls uglily on and on and on. As if that horror is not enough, now even tiny tots, who are nursery school kids, are not spared, are being targetted most shamelessly. What kind of depravity can that be? 

This shame on mankind is indeed a blot on humanity itself. Why, so-called animals, in heat only for a limited period, never behave in this devilish fashion. Why then are so- called human beings perpetrators of such weird behaviour?

Why the kids? Because their helpless innocence feeds in to the power hunger of the weirdos? Or because some silly dance competition or the other sexualises the tiny body through awful gyrations to vulgar songs? Is it because adult content is now literally at the finger tips, what with cheap mobile data? 

Whatever could be the reason(s), nothing can rationalise the heinous act against a child. As for the adult women being ill-treated the worst possible and cruel way, there could be many reasons. Lust for power over an able and better woman, the need to teach 'her' a lesson for being superior, the easy access to 'porn', oodles of time on hand given the job crunch for these absolutely unskilled, job-wise-unsuited louts who would never touch a book with a barge pole which they would prefarably use to beat up a 'rival', the frustration due to caste clashes, poverty, endless is the list of causes.

Unrequited love as 'romanticised' by stupid Bollywood films could be a major reason, too. Silly media programmes like the 'Big Boss', not to mention the inane but cruel cartoon series, video games, and the serials boys have been watching ever since they were in their respective mothers' laps, vicious cruelty in boys/men is (un!?!)consciously dinned in to their very psyche.

The tough competition in every field, the innate inferiority complex, given the total lack of subject expertise or skills despite an empty degree or two, the compulsion to bear the responsibility of a family, the impossible masculinity the ads, whether of consumer goods or in the marriage market, twist the male mind in to toxicity.

Boys are rarely taught to be men, forget human beings, in most families. Silly mothers mollycoddle sons, weaponize them in the proxy war they let loose on the helpless husband's hapless family. As a result, boys end up extremely immature, downright foolish. Add to this horrible concoction the lack of sex education.

Thus are ready fool guys amongst whom some graduate to perversions of the wicked types. Macho masculinity is preferred by  party politics as well 'coz thus they get their cheap fodder. Given the breakdown of the traditions of the old order, and the inability of the new to be worthy, the beer-guzzling, drug-doing Gen Whatever have empty mental spaces which are but naturally the devil's workshops.

Society is so much in a flux currently that the Gen Now, literally born with the smart modes of communication, does not even know the basic modes of existence, forget happy togetherness. Multiple available identities on the social media add to the confusion.

Hence such weird behaviour that can never take a "no" for an answer. The domination quirk is fostered by the "tera shirt muzse white kaise " phenomenon. The capitalist market forces and the ubiquitous caste consciousness, the inroads into the job market, nay, the very identity by ever developing tech, the confused male ego, often lacking a sensitive stable support, is indeed warped.

What can candle marches do? Assuage a hurt within that erupts in to such convenient protests that would be quickly forgotten until the next atrocity happens?

What can be the possible answers? Avoid politicians using the confused male identity to their advantage? Families training their boys to be/become sensible and sensitive adults? Better women representation in every field? Better educational modes?  Questions are aplenty. Hope sensible answers would soon emerge!

Pratima@ This blog is my version of the 'black-out-status' movement today. Only through intelligent deliberations can we reclaim the real (k)night!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Unique dramaturge

 My parents enriched our childhood in multiple ways. There used to be small, little excursions now and then, for instance. Similarly, there was a wealth of cultural experiences. We were often taken to attend musical concerts. We watched good films. No wonder, a trip to theater now and then was but normal.

During one such performances, I watched Acharya Atre's "To mi navech." I think it was at the Balgandharw Theater that we watched the play. There was, I think, a turntable stage to depict the forever changing chicanery of the main character who would repeatedly assert his trademark tagline, the title of the play.

The play by Acharya Atre is not a very existentialistic search of human identity, et al. The play, an absolutely realistic one, is a social satire. It shows how a chameleon like fraudster exploits the weaknesses of women, pressurised by the stupid marriage market. 

The play has lots of satirical laughter at the society and its crude hypocrisies, at the gullibility of women, at the emptiness of most societal institutions, be it the religiosity or the marriage market.

Basically, thus is Acharya Atre's oeuvre. He whiplashes the societal frauds. For the victims of such perpetrators, Acharya Atre has an amused tolerance. No wonder, his plays were a laughter riot cum eye-opener!

Pratima@It is remarkable that a satirist like him produced "Shyamchi Aai", a sensitive depiction of an ideal family life as reflected in the autobiography of Sane Guruji, in itself sentmental sensitivity personified!

Monday, August 19, 2024

An ever-(a)bi(n)ding tie

 Yes, it is a tie that is both, ever-abiding and ever-binding. Sure, not every other tie is like this one. Some are borne, some are worne, some may even be torn. Yet this particular tie is like Shakespeare's Cleopatra. Age cannot wither it. Neither can any new fangled fashion dither it. No wonder, it gets celebrated year after year, quietly and without any expectations in return, except the continuity of this tie.

Yes, you guessed it right. We are talking of the Rakshabandhan, the sisterly tie. You would agree with me that it ages better, unlike many other ties. A sister does not need anything from you. She is as settled in life as you are. Stable, mature, nostalgic, if there is anything you can at all give to her, it is a throwback to the memories of childhood.

When/if both of your parents are no more, she is the only link to that childhood oases long lost. Sure your brother, too, shares the bond. Brothers, however, may not be that emotionally involved, right? A sister is. Hence the need to celebrate this bond that is both, ever abiding and ever binding.

Actually, Rakshabandhan is more a north-western festival. The ubiquitous Bollywood made it part of the Indian ethos. Sisters these days, moreover, are quite independent and sassy. Hardly would they need any protection, unlike the sisters of the era of the invasions.

In other words, a sister is somebody who feels for you, to use a weird phrase in the Indian English, 'just like that only'. It is a relationship that ripens richly. Like the Narali Bhat that boasts of all that is best, right? Happy Raksha Bandhan!

Pratima@Actually, in Maharashtra, Shrawan Pournima is the day to celebrate Narali Pournima which marks the beginning of the end of the monsoon which signifies the calming down of the sea and the return to the sea for fishing. Well, such havock has the monsoon caused this year that it is yet again a stark reminder of the fact that we MUST tie a rakhee to Nature! In other words, high time, we develop an ever-abi(n)ding bond with this ever present existence by our side throughout our life!

As Raju is a shippie, Papa always offered a propitiatory puja to the sea god. I manage with Mutha, when in spate. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Olympic Spirit

 Formally, the Olympics 2024 ended last Sunday, on August 11. Now that Ms Phogat has come back as well with the last nail in the heartbreak, the game is over for India finally. Despite her loss, she was celebrated. That shows the real sports spirit, the Olympics spirit!

'Citius, Altius, Fortius' is the Olympics motto. In 2024, the games became truly ' wide open' because of the wondrous response to it. The spectacle of the last day, with those unimaginable stunts, was a tribute to the spirit, sporting literally from the skies.

In India, the Prime Minister welcomed and encouraged the contingent, despite the rather dismal show. As far as the medal tally goes, we are way down the list. Even then one could say that the sporting spirit has taken roots in India, what with the traditionally patriarchal Haryana hugely encouraging the women athletes and players!

Well, high achievers like Neeraj Chopra have already started preparing for the next event! Oh, yes, for a change, the India-Pakistan rivalry did not throw its long shadow in this area, unlike the cricket field, where the feel is such that one thinks George Orwell wrote his famous denunciatory essay to describe it!

May be, that is the Olympic Spirit which is highly competitive, and yet in some way truly celebratory of the best, and genuinely participatory of the world wide open! Long live Olympics!

Pratima@ Yet again journalists played the cringe game of declaring the most attractive  woman players, and of pairing off couples! Hardly the wide open attitude, right?

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The first ever

 Unhappy news are here again for women. Hence the following attempt to cheer us up. Yes, let us talk of the first ever Indian lady doctor and the first ever Indian lady lawyer. Truly path-breaking are their careers as they braved every possible difficulty those days that were absolutely anti-women in every possible way.

The first ever lady doctor from India is a Maharashtrian. Her name is Anandibai Joshi(1865-1887). Marvel of marvels, those days, all alone, she, a young chit of a girl, went to America for her medical education. Brilliant  and truly committed, she completed the course with flying colours.  Such, and so many, were the problems and difficulties in her path that she passed away before she could begin her medical practice.

It is hence argued that the first ever practising woman doctor from India is Rakhmabai Raut (1864-1955), yet again a Maharashtrian. Not only did she practice medicine in Colonial India, she was, moreover, the first one to legally challenge her childhood marriage, and become the first ever divorcee.

The first ever female legal practitioner was Cornelia Sorabjee (1866-1954). Highly accomplished and superbly brilliant, she completed a five year course in English literature in just one year.  In 1892, she completed her Bachelor in Civil Law, but as a woman was denied the permission to practise law. In 1897, to be registered as a lawyer, she completed her LLB from the Bombay University, but to no avail.

Those days, even the Oxford University did not honour women as students. It was as late as 1922 that woman lawyers were allowed the legal status of being a barrister in Oxford. Sorabjee was the first Indian woman to win this honour.

Born in mid-1860's, these woman braved many difficulties; they crossed many a barrier. Unshaken, however, was their resolve to forge a new path. Their remembrance hence continues to be a beacon of light in dark days.

Pratima@It was in 1924 that Sorabjee, who was settled abroad, returned to India to be formally recognised as a practising barrister. Hence this tribute to her in the centenary year of this unique event!

Friday, August 16, 2024

An acrostic

                 "Independent India"!

Here is an acrostic dedicated to the Independence Day celebrations!

Integrity is our byword.

Never attack we first!

Dare the devil though we can.

Empty fights favours a coward !

Prefer we bettering the best.

Ever becomes divine thus a man.

Never afraid are we of any test.

Dare our women even the space can.

Each day a different dream we chase. 

Nearer  our hearts forever a joyride.

'Try' and 'must', passwords we honour!

'India, my India',  we chant forever.

Near our hearts, constant her border.

Dear is she, let her enemies aloud rant.

In lands far away, recall we her harder.

Ah, nothing will never lessen our ardour!

Pratima@Long live India!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Doctors treat (well), if treated (well)

 Whenever any unhappy, unfortunate event takes place, online protest platforms such as, for instance, send me e-mails. I mostly join the online signature campaigns in the hope for a healthy, happy society and a better future. It was but natural that I would get many such appeals, given the horrific Kolkata incident. 

I signed each one as I do strongly think that conscientious doctors are next to gods, and they do deserve respect and security. Equally true it is that they are over-burdened. Even after (as before) the COVID years, the doctors' lot continues to be tough, hard. Sure the Health system in our country needs a haul. 

Yet one got the feel that the Kolkata tragedy was more a women's safety issue. Undoubtedly, goonda-ism in hospitals by patients'  relatives sure needs tough treatment, given  the issue of doctors not getting their own comfort zone at the workplace. In a way, related to this concept is a doctor's basic, human(e) inalienable right to some rest after a gruelling schedule, which unfortunately led to the tragic heinous crime.

What could be the solutions? Long term policy decisions such as budgetary allocation enhancement, better investment and funding for the medical sector, especially the goverment hospitals, are very much the need of the hour. Beyond such monetary allocations, I suppose, there is a 24 x 7 need for campus counsellors who counsel the relatives whose patient's health is in a precarious condition. Thus there would be less fracas on the premises that should not allow relatives in huge groups, for instance.

Though this particular incident at Kalkatta shows the carelessness of the system in multiple ways, unmistakable often is the cavalier attitude and rude indifference of the medical fraternity as well. Let me give two examples thereof which I have myself faced/suffered.

Well, I wanted the learning licence for driving a car. At the RTO office, I was told to get a vision test certificate from Sassoon. In the concerned department there, there was this gem of an ophthalmologist who casually told me that I suffer from myasthenia gravis! Wanna know why? Well, due to use of hard lenses for a decade or so, my upper eyelids look as if drooping. 

Well, as I look half my actual age, he thought I would be shattered. Instead, I found the entire situation rather amusing. So I consoled him by talking equally casually about Amitabh Bachchan's steely reserve/resolve which helps him live with the auto-immune condition.

In the other department from where I needed another signature, the M.D. was furious that I was so advised! Well, suppose, if I were an extreme hypochondriac, what would have happened? How can anyone be so heartless, especially with a patient!?!

Well, in January 2021, because she was fed with a huge dollop of the breakfast cereal, Aai started coughing as the stuff had entered her windpipe. Her b.p. was fluctuating wildly. Despite my utter panic, I was trying everything I could. The local doctor, on phone, advised me to administer oxygen to her! COVID years! I somehow got an ambulance, and took her to one of the major hospitals in Pune, her regular check-up institute. 

She was admitted at all after huge dirty glares at me and, of course, due to the generous intervention of her gerontologist. She soon settled down to as much normalcy as possible. All along, the Emergency Department doctors kept on telling me continuously to be prepared for anything any second!

As if this was nothing, when she was kept in the intensive care unit for initial observation before shifting her to the normal ward, there was this wonder of a doctor who asked me why  I got her to hospital. Was it just to get her oxygen? At 80 plus, why did not I allow her an end at home? He, unluckily I did not get his name, hectored on and on for almost an hour!

I was bamboozled. Well, does not a senior citizen, if she is not a COVID patient, have any right to health care (heavily paid for at that)? True, the doctors ARE over-worked. How about the family care-giver? How does she produce oxygen at home? How about her tense feelings? Her being tired?  Who cares, right?

Well, in the senior citizen section where she was transferred next morning, with most of  the patients, nurses were as casual as possibly can be. One evening, since none bothered to take Aai's blood sugar despite my twice reminding at the  nurses' pool , I requested the night duty resident doctor at about 11.30 p.m. The lady flew in to a rage for no rhyme nor reason, and started screaming at me! Over all, the nurses used to be so casual and unconcerned that through a friendly one, I learnt the feeding process and urine bag techniques myself!

I think, unfortunately, this is mostly how the medical fraternity behaves. True, they ARE over-worked, they are tired. But it is a life and death situation for the patient, too. The caretaker members of the family are no fools either. It is just that they have to depend on doctors and nurses.

Well, I have thence decided that when my end comes, I would not use/go for any medical  intervention. Hope I die that way. And, anyways, I am going to donate every possible organ and even the cadaver so that the great medical fraternity does not experiment on poor suffering souls, the helpless patients and their hapless relatives!

Pratima@August 14 was the day the Partition happened. Some fourteen million were displaced. Some two million died. There were ghost trains full of dead bodies.  Millions and millions of women suffered horrible ill-treatment. Reading Partition novels is like suffering an oozing deep wound. Well, the current Bangla Desh situation, hopefully limping to normalcy, seems to prove that the continent has not learnt (m)any lessons!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Happiness, ahoy!

 Recently was celebrated the 'happiness day'. According to certain defined norms, happiness is measured and an international index is listed.  Mostly, it is the European countries that make the first ten in that merit list. The top three positions are forever occupied by,  nay, reserved for the Nordic nations.

Apparently, India belongs to the lowest twenty! The fun fact is Bangladesh is supposed to be better at happiness than India!! The recently unfurling unfortunate events in that cauldron make one question the very measuring standards of the standard happiness index!!!

Happiness though is for real so much so that Bhutan, a traditional monarchy that is slowly acquiring democracy, ensures  not its GDP, but its GHP! What is this happiness though? Oh, yes, the international measures do exist. In our blog though, let us define our own norms. 

In my opinion, THE most important aspect of happiness is a sense of purpose. Such motivation makes life joyful. It is not empty busy-ness. Rather it is a given goal that helps one enjoy every minute of existence. So occupied are you at reaching that aim, bettering yourself for achieving that destination by every minute that you do not have a split second at any possible negativity at all. Otherwise, an empty mind is the devil's workshop!

Yet another core factor is wellness which includes much more than financial health. Wellness, in my opinion, consists of spiritual and emotional balance, rather than mere physical checks and balances, either. Sure there are many bazzars, now online, too, that sell the idea, however shallowly. It is, for example, positively dangerous to learn online the asanas, at least in the initial phase. Who cares though? Most people are more interested in showing off and in belittling others in some way or the other. As a result, such online learning is compulsory for them!

Yet another major factor that goes in to the making of that  elixir called happiness is a healthy sense of humour. The moment one learns to laugh at the inanities and stupidities, life is absolute fun that never demeans, derides, mocks, moreover.

The most important ingredient of happiness in my opinion is gratefulness to that great power, whatever you may choose to call it, for giving you yet another chance at, a second lease of life, without which existence would have been death. Gratefulness is due to your parents, to your siblings, to your friends who choose to stand by you, who know your real worth even when you may be down and out.

Creativity marks a huge chunk of the happy feel. When you create an alternative,  something unique, in you own small way, you have made life subtly sensitised, more sensible and sensitive, worth living through your imagination.

Being self-respecting is very focal to happiness in my opinion. It does NOT mean being selfish, self-centred, self-obsessed. Rather it means avoiding people and situations who try their level best to belittle you. Instead, it refers to choosing to be in contexts and with people who value you, and as you are.

Yet self-reflexivity is indeed important. It consists of  a look within. It means working upon oneself, bettering oneself literally by the second whereby the only healthy sense of competition you have is with your own self.

Humility matters much, too. It does not mean the hypocritical mouthing of empty phrases. Rather it means a genuine humbleness that shows a sense of wonderment for all that is good, grand and gorgeous.

Yet another important ingredient of the potion of happiness is hobbies. Be it reading, writing, singing, playing an instrument, painting, gardening, watching great films, hobbies involve your self in an encompassing fullness.

Ah, an unmistakable presence in a happy life is a pet, preferably a dog. The love a dog showers on you is so innocent, and without expecting any favours in return, that you wonder why they are called animals! A dog understands everything, your language, your relationships, your moods, and so much so that often they know and love you more than many a human beings! In return, we do not give the pooch much, only shelter and food which he would have anyways managed. Indeed a tail wagging furiously at your very sight, those expressive eyes, that range of sounds, dogs are indeed the best therapists!

Well, please do share your ideas of happiness. Yes, there is great fun in sharing, too!

Pratima@ Happiness is a journey, rather than a final destination.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What youth is not!

 Let us define youth by what it is not. Thus would be clear the meaning of the international youth day!

Youth is not a mere number.

Youth is not being mean.

Youth is not being defeated in a cheap way.

Nor is youth mere gossip, sheer calumny.

Youth is not the ultimate eating obsession.

Youth is not mere hotelling. 

Youth would not be preaching what cannot be practiced.

Youth is not taking an oath that cannot be fulfilled.

Youth is not silly shopping.

Youth is not being available in any way.

Youth is not free wealth, not is youth junking the way in its search for wealth.

Youth is not self-obsession.

Youth is not using a language, improperly. full of cuss words.

Youth is not  suspicion. 

Youth is not being  cheap in any way.

Well, how else would you define youth?


Monday, August 12, 2024

The last shall be the first

 Often language, especially philosophical, religious and psychological, is full of such paradoxes as in the title of our blog today. Those in the know would realise that it is taken from a verse in the Bible. Yet I can give you any number of such dissonances from all sorts of texts from any number of sources. 

Why deal with such a paradox? Well, recently, on August 9, was celebrated the Martyr Day as well as the Adivasi Day. During the Independence Struggle, many known, and most importantly, unknown, citizens with a commitment to the freedom of the motherland, sacrificed their lives, their bright futures, their family life. Their only reward often would be a cruel death or harsh punishment. Hence the need to commemorate all these known, and most importantly, unknown, martyrs.

These martyrs came from all sorts of castes and groups. In fact, such was the fervour then that nobody questioned or cared for such identity politics. Yet, the narratives, written after 1947, would have their own agendas, and often the group most ignored might be the Adivasi's.

Very few city smarties, especially Gen Z onwards, would have heard of Birsa Munda, for instance. I can go on multiplying such examples. The basic idea is to realise their sacrifices. Unfortunately, moreover, their economic hardships have not abated even today. Hence the need to dedicate a day to their lived realities.

Everywhere across the world, the Aborigines have suffered a lot. Even when they do not get to taste the fruits of progress, the so-called development hits them truly hard. Undoubtedly, many committed couples such as the Bang's or the Amte family  have dedicated their lifetime for helping out these lives ignored by the mainstream. The most important issue, a tough challenge, in this context is to get them in to the modernity mode, without destroying their unique ways of living. 

Unfortunately, however, there are two major, not to mention countless minor, problems in their upliftment. The first one is the huge conversions. North-east would be a major example. The real huge problem, however, is how certain political parties are trying to use them for their own selfish goals. Hidden behind such agendas would be international interest groups as well.

To address all such issues, a bottoms-up approach wherein an organic leader, as in the case of the martyrs in the Freedom Struggle, should emerge. When revolution thus happens from within, there is always an unmistakable promise of a better future!

Pratima@My salute to all the unknown, unsung heroes and heroines from the past and the present, in the hope for a bright future!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Royal Highness

 The days of kings and emperors are over; surely in India, especially after annexation. Yet India boasts of a king. His very presence is absolutely royal. Equally is regal the female of the species.

Have you guessed who I might be talking about it? Yes, no suspense needed as the answer is rather obvious. Yes, we are talking about the undisputed king of the jungle, the lion.

Does he lord royally over his dominion! You bet! Why, not only does he rule over the jungle but even in his pride as well, His Majesty relaxes cooly, while the females do all the hard work for getting the prey. Once they manage the hunt, the all-powerful royal arrives at the site of the kill to take away the biggest chunk.

The lion does not seem to like any confrontations on the whole. Seems to prefer the easy go approach. Yet his reflexes are very sharp. It is no wonder hence that the lions would let the deer prance about if  the lion has had enough.

The lion cubs are cuteness personified. Moreover, films like 'The lion King " have romanticised our perceptions of the animal. Hence on a day dedicated to lions, let us celebrate this majestic species. Long live the lion!

Pratima@Why, the lion can be lovesick, too! Remember the Aesop story about a lion who wanted to marry the farmer's daughter?!?

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Nag Panchami Day

 Yes, the first major festival in the month of Shravana, that is Nag Panchami. Sure there was Shravani Somwar and the Mangla Gaur, absolutely made famous incidentally by that blockbuster last year. Yes, I am referring to "Baipan Bhari Deva". No, I have not watched it. Just heard a lot about it .

Despite such modern media acceptance of the other Shravana festivities, nothing can match the uniqueness of Nag Panchami. Sure the cobra is everywhere in the Hindu ideation, be it the cobra around Lord Shankara's neck or be it the Shesha who helps Lord Vishnu relax. No sectarian trouble mongering, you see. Why, Shesha was the rope of the churning during the Amrut Manthan. We, moreover, have Krishna's Kaliya and there is the Takshak Dahan story when it comes to Pandavas' Indraprastha. 

Why is the cobra, or any snake for that matter, so centrally important in our mythology? Actually, the snake figure is present in most all religions. An example may suffice. The Satan tempts Eve, and the body he assumes is that of a snake, a serpent.

I suppose this centrality comes from both, the fear and the usefulness. A serpent has a lethality, an uncertainty that breed fear. Its very movement, a wriggle, is tough to decipher. In comparison, even the fiercest lion appears less dangerous. It can be a pet, not a snake though. The snake charmers of yesteryears used to remove the poison fang before handling a snake!

Actually it is useful in many ways. Even its venom is hugely useful. Ask the Hafkin Institute. Once I saw the way they extract a cobra's poison. I still remember the yellow, slightly greenish, poison dripping in to the pipette.

As for farmers, a cobra is the best friend as it eats up rodents, mice, and other such pests. No wonder, in our agrarian economy which dominates even today, a snake is important. Hence the lovely folk tale about Nag Panchami. These days, however, snake charmers do not go from home to home, feeding the poor reptile milk and puffed rice.  In return would they get money, eats and old clothes. Though rooted in cruelty to the poor beastie, it was a symbiotic relationship.

Hence the regret for the withering  away of this folk festival that allowed young brides cooped up in household work to go out in the open, reach out to friends from the same age group, play on the swing, be the young  girl she typically would be.

Well, the contexts have changed completely. Snakes slither now in the curio way only in the snake parks. With cities now encroaching the rural map, the huge anthills, supposedly a surefire serpent destination, are razed to ground. With cement concrete jungles everywhere, we can hardly see them as D.H.Lawrence described a snake at a waterhole. Yet the secret fascination tinged with huge fear remains. Never ever hence would the Nag Panchami be flattened out of our mindscape!

Pratima@Aai disliked snakes so much so that she would ask me to switch off the TV if the Discovery or the Animal Planet Channel showed any such programme. Why, even for a hearty laugh, never would she be ready to watch films that dealt with a she-cobra who could assume human form 

So when Aai-Papa went to Battis Shirale where the traditional mode of Nag Panchami is still  very much alive with real unfanged cobras, she hated it when Papa wore one such live cobra around his neck, which is a normal practice there, it seems.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Horror, horror, horror!

 The day was August 6, 1945 for Hiroshima, while it was August 9, 1945 for Nagasaki. Horror descended on these two cities in 1945. Next year, the tragedy would turn eighty. Yet the terror it unleashed is as raw as if it happened yesterday.

The bomb dropped on Hiroshima may have been known as "Little Boy", but its effect was no less horrific than that by the "Fat Man", the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Sure, the Nagasaki weapon was worse. Yet the devastation was equally horrible because "every man who died was (not a mere number. But was) a name. Each one was loved by many," as lamented a survivor, underpinning the real horror and tragedy of war which in the final analysis destroys human relationship, nay, humanity itself.

For every dead person, there lived a few others whose radio-actively contaminated life was much worse than death itself. For generations were born babies with deformities, and all this for the vanity, for the lust for power of a few crooked individuals!

Japan undoubtedly has a phoenix personality. You would agree with me if you, too, have seen the visuals of the earthquake today or of the tsunami in 2011. Despite huge tragedies, the Japaneese remain cool and collected, carrying on with life. 

Yet these fatalities can be borne resiliently as they are natural disasters. A horror created by humans that Japan faced in 1945 was much the worse, precisely because it was unnatural in every sense of the term. Sure, the Japanese have bounced back repeatedly, and without losing their essential identity, almost like the resilience of the harassed Jews who faced that horror called Holocaust!

The real horror, however, is that despite these two horrors, the Holocaust and the Hiroshima-Nagasaki tragedy, mankind has learnt nothing much. Both these cruelties continue even today, in different versions, in newer garbs; under  more 'modern' nomenclatures. They go on and on, and will go on and on. That is the real 'horror, horror, horror' to quote Conrad's depiction of the  real 'Heart of Darkness'.

Pratima@Evil continues, and that is real horror, the true tragedy!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Traditional Treasures

 Our early childhood was spent in Aurangabad. One of my vague memories there is the 'himru' shawl Papa bought for Aai. Unbelievably beautiful it was. It could be worn either ways, and the patterns on both sides were unique. They had a shine made of silk threads of reddish black, red, bluish green, and a slight ochre. The shawl is forever etched on my mind as the peacock glory. It seems, in those parts of Maharashtra, a bride wears the 'himru' shawl on her wedding day. That special and unique it is.

That is the traditional treasure called Indian handlooms. A huge variety thereof exists, so much so that a fashionista can have some three grand wardrobes full of these, and yet a few might be missing!

It is not just the variety that makes the Indian handlooms unique. Most of them are made of natural, bio-degradable, enviornment-friendly materials. They are very sturdy, too. The naturally made colours are unique and fast. The designs and patterns depicted on these are very close both to nature and the Indian culture. 

The pallu of a Banaras silk saree  would either have the peacock or the elephant or the mango leaf/fruit pattern, for instance. Personally, i like the khadi clothes, too. The khadi silk sarees are often heirlooms, handed over from generation to generation.

As these are hand-woven, they sure provide some financial help to artisans who are very good at the traditional warp and weft. These artisans are so fine that you can buy a silk saree that can be folded and kept in a match-box!

Given all the hard work involved in the making of such fabulous art pieces, they sure deserve a more efficient distribution system, at home and abroad, on the internet and offline. If the government were to subsidise the raw material, may be, the costs would suit every pocket, right?

Pratima@  During the big fat Indian shadi of the youngest of the Ambani brood, there was  a very beautiful use of handloom products as drapery. As for the clothes of the guests and the family, you could see a truly rich (literally and figuratively) exhibition of handlooms. Most noteworthy were the hand-painted ghagra of the bride, and the gold interwoven pallu's and blouses of her mother-in-law!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Restrictions Re-solved

 Why are there so very many restrictions on eating and drinking during the month of Shravana? Actually, such restrictions are followed even during the Navaratri that lead to the Dasara festival. Such restrictions are taken seriously, too, so much so that a lady from the non-teaching faculty in one of the PG centres for M. A. (English) would never wear chappals nor utter a single word during the Navratri days.

Similarly, on the no-moon Amavasya day just before the Shravan begins, the whole day, people seem to eat non-veg and drink liqueur almost as if to top up for the thirty days to follow as during Shravan, they do not eat non-veg nor drink alcohol.

Equally excluded from the kitchen are onions and garlic. Why must there be all such restrictions? Why such customs? One of the reasons could be that the stomach cannot digest heavy food, given the seasonal climactic changes.

Yet another possible reason could be that this is mostly the period of reproduction for most fowls, fish and animals. May be, such restrictions thus help in the  great chain of being, in the natural/normal food cycle. May be, these kind of rules take the ordinary individual closer to nature and to his/her self which would otherwise be obsessed with the pleasure principle alone.

I would not know for sure. Anyways, I am a pure veg and a 'total teetotaler'. For me, such restrictions exist only as far as the consumption of onions/garlic goes. During the Chaturmas, beginning with the  Dev-shayani/Ashadh Ekadashi till the Dev-utthan/Kartik Ekadashi, no onions/garlic for me so as to continue the family tradition in honour of my mother as she hailed from Pandharpur. 

Well, beyond my love and respect for my mother, in my opinion, such practices would help in channelising the mind in habit formation as well. A sense of self control that emerges from following such restrictions leads to self respect as well.

In other words, instead of looking at such customs as religious or cultural interference in the "I, me, my" space or as societal control over individual freedom, why not re-solve restrictions with a creative, thinking, and open mindset?

Pratima@I have never understood the 'modernity' involved in consciously eating onions/garlic/non-veg during festivals such as Ganesh Chaturthi or Dasara or Diwali. True, every individual is free to choose his/her food, and as many people, as many possibilities of food/drink/dress, etc, which in my opinion are absolutely basic themes, and by now discussed ad infinitum and ad nauseaum, even to keep on arguing about them.

 Yet, I do love to remember that animals, whom we oh-so-very-scientifically consider our inferiors, naturally follow many such restrictions! Do not you believe me? Well watch the Discovery or the Animal Planet Channel. Better still, read up or ask a biology/zoology/marine biology expert. 

You would be surprised to know how 'evolved' the so-called animals are when it comes to avoiding self-indulgence, and preferring instead a sociable togetherness!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Marvellous Month

 Shravan is here. A marvellous month indeed it is. Serene nature is at its beautiful most. Green in all its possible shades seems to be overflowing everywhere. The slightly greyish skies, with the clouds having poured  their full fill,  sport a cotton white cloud floating hither and thither. The nesting birds chirp endlessly, with their mating calls as a live symphony. Buds bloom. There is an exultation in the very air.

Despite the quite crazy rains this year and the usual mad monsoon sagas that annually follow in the wake of monsoon, the skies, too, seemed to realise this morning that Shravan is here. There was a gentle golden sunshine this morning.

 Indeed unique is Shravan. It encloses both, fasts and feasts.  Quite countless they are. Aai-Papa used to keep the Shravan Somwar fast in a special way. Actually, given Sanju's Monday birth, all Mondays were sacred for them both. Yet the Shravan fast used to be  special still.

 The typical Maharashtrian Sabudana/sago khichdi, which was Aai's special (it never would be soggy, and at the bottom of the kadai/the pan, there used to be a fragile and fabulously tasty crust), the unbelievably tasty groundnut chutney with curds, the fruits, the special cucumber salad, the nicely cut lemon slice, the Shiva devotee in me used to feel absolutely content. The day would end with a sweet. Aai was such a good 'chef' that even the simple banana mix would taste divinely delicious.

Thus would follow an endless series of fasts and feasts. Aai was excellent at all the traditional dishes, the 'kadabu' for Nagpanchami, the melting in the mouth 'puran poli' for Shrawan Shukrwar, the 'Narali bhat' for Narali Pournima, and so on, and so on. Why, the beans veggie she prepared, the radish salad she made, the 'puran poli' special 'kata chi amti', taste seemed to flow from her fingers. 

Actually I do not much like milk. But the special milk with cardamom seeds, perfectly blended with the right amount of sugar, and a flake or two of 'keshar'/safron that she prepared for  the Shravan Shukrawar haldi-kunku used to be divine. The 'futane' as 'prasad' used to make the evening fabulous.

What I marvel at is the fact that never ever would our school timings be delayed. Nor would Papa face a late mark. Everything the perfect way, on the dot of time! Sure it must have been horribly hard work for her. Yet she mustered the inner strength to celebrate each Shravana the best possible way. 

Neither of them believed in excessive religiosity. Yet they celebrated each festival in a contented way to make us culturally  enriched. I still remember each of these simple but meaningful rituals that feted our perceptions, be it visual (with her lovely rangoli's), be it the fragrance of the perfect pooja Papa (and later Aai as per the special day) would embellish the 'devhara' with, be it the surfeit of the taste buds, the marvellous month of Shravan was a great occasion for our parents to make our childhood magical.

Pratima@The end of Ashadha this year was marked by the umpteen tragedies due to cloud bursts, the worst being the Waynad landslide. Hope the advent of Shrawan provides the much needed succour. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Change is the only permanence!

 The only permanent fact is change. Why such philosophising couched in a paradox? Well, I came across certain inputs about 'facts' so far considered permanent. Apparently, these seem to be changing, too. 

Let us look at a few. As usual, the doom's day predictions with either a meteor or a comet flying too close to the earth are aplenty. I suppose, by now, all of us have learnt to accept such astral mavericks with not a pinch, but a kilo, of salt.

It is, however, serious stuff when the astronomical authorities confirm that the moon is inching away from the earth. As a result, very soon, the day would be packed with twenty-five hours. Should make Infosys Murthi very happy, given his insistence on a seventy-hours-long-week!

Geologists, on the contrary, are assuring us that the innermost core of the earth is rotating the other way round! The movement may not be noticable on the surface of the earth. Yet this rotation is absolutely affecting the axis of the earth and may impact many so-called permanent geological axioms. 

Yet another curious find is the dark oxygen on the deepest ocean bed. Oxygen, as we have so far known it, needs sunlight for its emergence and existence. Plants release it through photosynthesis.

 Now marine biologists have located that certain algae on the deepest sea bed, where it is pitch dark, are releasing oxygen without the sun rays or the photosynthesis.

Right now, as the mad race for this very rare and precious phenomenon is heating up, it is the right time to restrict its excessive drilling and pumping, and what not.  This recently discovered phenomenon proves two of my suppositions though. The first is that we know so little about the sea which surrounds us, wherever we may go. 

The second supposition is that if life on earth were to be destroyed, (given the signs looming large of the Third World War which would be fatal if it were to happen, given the abundant nuclear weapons most all countries have stashed themselves with), it would begin yet again from the seas, near the shore as it did some aeons ago! Thus gets proved the supposition this blog began with, change is permanent, and permanence is change!

Pratima@ It is not just the Revolution 4.0 nor the AI nor the eternal cycle of  Financial Depression, already imminent  in the U.S., and thus across the world via the spiral effect, that is the real threat, right?

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The best donation

 Which is the best donation? The one that involves no expectations of return gifts, right? Any other quality of a wonderful donation? It is performed without much publicity, is not it?

Traditionally, the best donation is supposed to be imparting education, knowledge, wisdom because this gift is the best. It grows when shared. It never pales nor dulls. It enriches both, the donor and the donee.

In the contemporary times, yet another such donation is organ donation as well as donation of one's body after death. In my opinion, both are indeed great. Donating blood, for example, can save a precious life. 

A kidney donation saves the patient/receiver a lifetime of dialysis and an eternity of pain, for example. Much more interesting is the organ donation post death.

The eyes can help a visually impaired person. The skin can be the ideal draft for a patient with burns, for instance. The kidney, the heart curated and donated as early as possible after death, can change another life.

Much more interesting is the fact that such donations allow a second lease of life for the donor. The donor continues  to live even after death. The donated eyes, to give an easily understood example, continue to look at the world even when the donor is dead. The importance of the heart, too, is but obvious.

In brief, on this organ donation day, hope many would resolve  to undertake this THE best donation. Very many lives are thus going to change for ever. The egg or sperm donation, for instance, can fulfil not only individuals but a family! Long live organ donation of every sort.

Pratima@ Stem cells saved at the birth of a baby can cure its sibling from many possible health hazards. Family comes the first even for an unborn! 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Deadly Disease

 Till  mid eighties, diseases, especially the contagious ones, meant simpler ones such as cold and cough, malarial fever, that is, those caused by climate change or vector borne diseases. With the advent of the multi-channel television, newer, comparatively unknown diseases, too, seemed to burst open.

Earlier, for example, children would mostly get tonsillitis, quite harmless by comparison, and treated with loads of ice-cream! Natty nineties onwards, early childhood did not seem to suffer from non-severe jaundice to be treated with such non-invasive techniques as drinking lots of sugarcane juice. Diseases, too, seemed to become  more technical, real specialised.

Hepatitis thus began to  haunt the disease discussions. It, moreover, had varieties, A to E. To inject or not to inject multiple vaccines from early infanthood on became a major debate. Agonising choice it would be for parents, for families, given the generational differences.

Now this deadly disease, with all its varieties, is a common household name. Often one hears of fatalities, patients wasting away to die of cirrhosis. May be, earlier, too, such diseases very much existed. People in general, may be, were not acutely aware of them. Ignorance is indeed bliss!

Now much material is available in a focussed way. Agencies such as the U.N. have health organisations as arms that spread awareness in a targetted way. With the explosion of the social media, moreover, everybody seems to know everything!

On this Hepatitis Day, here is hoping that common causes such as contaminated water, food, or contact would be more under control, especially as zoonotic epidemics, be it the COVID or its latest mutation, are rampant. Health has to be the wealth!

Pratima@  Better to build wellness (quite an industry now) than pay hefty bills, especially when payment of medical bills is quite a 'business'!!!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Genuine greatness!

 August 1, 2024 happens to be a unique day indeed. It celebrates two truly great individuals. Let me begin with Sant Dnyaneshwar (1275-1296). It is Ashadh Krishna Dwadashi today. Some seven hundred years ago, Sant Dnyaneshwar, then in his late teens, performed a miracle on this very tithi.

It changed his wor(l)ds forever. To understand this miracle, it is necessary to know the background a little. Hugely harassed because their father returned to the familial fold after accepting sanyas, the family were immensely ill-treated. The parents accepted the death sentence, too. Yet these brilliant children continued to be the outcasts every which way.

They decided to go to Paithan, the then center of religious authority. Absolutely insulted despite their obvious integrity at every possible level, the power-mongers controlling the socio-cultural milieu then dismissed these hapless siblings.

When Sant Dnyaneshwar calmly pointed out that his soul was as pure as anyone else's, and that the soul is an equal, whatever could be the apparent prejudices regarding the outer form, as a part of mocking him, he was asked if the soul, if any, in a buffalo and in him were the same. Further, he was given the challenge to prove so by making the buffalo recite the "ruchas" from the Vedas. 

He managed the feat. The buffalo actually recited the Vaidic verses. The miracle made the establishment take note of the brilliant foursome. Post this miracle, his greatest contribution, the Dnyaneshwari, which made knowledge accessible to the common man, quietly but surely performed the miracle of changing the socio-cultural paradigm. From the domination of theocracy to an equality of devoted nearness of the common man to divinity, he sowed the seeds of the progressive Maharashtra. In the process, he gave a local dialect the status of a language.

Now let us know the contribution of the second great person referred to in the first paragraph of our blog. Yes, on August 1 falls the death anniversary of Lokmanya Tilak. Despite his hectic life, he could manage to pen brilliantly texts that challenged the domination of mediocre listlessness in to fiery activism. Through his writings and his life, he proved to the dormant society that sentimental abdication of duties is the real treason, against self, against every ideal.

Long live the memory of such radical thinkers and activists! Truly great was their contribution.

Pratima@ " Mahajana: yet gat: sa: panth:! That is to say, the great pave the path that the ordinary tend to follow.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

English as she is spoken and wrotten

 The ,eh, name as it is told in India, of this our bloak today says us how funnnii Inglish is. World is needing Inglish. Always. Yaasterday, now, tomorrow also, inglish, she is necessary, na, saar! Whaat to do? 

So I doing spoking and writting of inglish. Like that only. Whaat to do? In my ofis, there is one Subbumruniyam fellow. Raskala he is. He is knowing inglish. But like that only,  he very proudy to her inglish. Yass, he having very proudy over her inglish. What so great? Reding oowr one or two books extra whaat, and head going in air, and you know, jast like that only.

Not to open your lips, aur bos saar telling him yaasterday.  Or else you going out of window. Is this her so last day, no? I opening window, sonlight going straight in to saar's eyes, no! Whaat to do?  I very woried. Not to getting angry, saar. Like that only, all I saying on yaastrday. Saar bekoming quite. Like that only, I aalways saying, good it is to be humble-bimble. But Subbu, he, he when hearing? Subbu, he haaving laats off moni.

Now I am tiring. Very tiring. So I am gone to offis kantin. All having very prize. I getting out af is haard only. Now I taking your leive. For time being. Having to go. So not for you inviting. Si ya sun!

Pratima@ Inglish, she fun, no?

Timeless Treasure

 How to describe Kishore Kumar's voice? Is that your question? Well, my answer to such a query would be a counter question. Why not just...