Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trouble is most welcome, trouble makers are not!

 Is trouble welcome? Indeed, yes. Trouble teaches, and a lot. To begin with, trouble teaches one how strong one is despite being simple, straightforward, sincere and genuine, qualities that are considered 'stupid' these days. Trouble shows one that being driven by heart, by emotions is good, too.

Trouble teaches one how resilient one is, how one bounces back, and better, despite all the difficulties, doubts, distractions. In this way, trouble makes one smarter as well. Intellect, in fact, because of trouble, becomes razor sharp.

Is there any problem with trouble, especially when it makes one more self-reflexive, more humble, more humane? Yes, there is! What is the problem? Well, one starts noticing, nay, identifying the trouble makers!

Are trouble makers welcome? Of course, NOT! Sure they are vicious. Why suffer their cheap wickedness, especially when one is not involved in any way in their ugly, creepy, cheap meannesses? Why be victimised for the trouble makers' self obsession? Why suffer in silence the sadism of the crooks of all sorts? THAT is the question!

For SURE, these consciously, knowingly wicked monstrosities must be gotten rid of. How, that is the question! Ignoring them does not seem to register on these brain-dead buffoons. Would confronting help?

No way should these old (in all senses of the term 'old') cheapos of all sexes be allowed to continue endlessly their harassment, and for no rhyme no reason. 'Coz indeed trouble is welcome, trouble makers are absolutely NOT! 

Pratima@ Trouble makers have the protection of the powers that be. Yet there is a power higher than all the power-mongers. Sure it stands by the innocent, and fulfils each of her pleas and prayers.

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