Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Happiness, ahoy!

 Recently was celebrated the 'happiness day'. According to certain defined norms, happiness is measured and an international index is listed.  Mostly, it is the European countries that make the first ten in that merit list. The top three positions are forever occupied by,  nay, reserved for the Nordic nations.

Apparently, India belongs to the lowest twenty! The fun fact is Bangladesh is supposed to be better at happiness than India!! The recently unfurling unfortunate events in that cauldron make one question the very measuring standards of the standard happiness index!!!

Happiness though is for real so much so that Bhutan, a traditional monarchy that is slowly acquiring democracy, ensures  not its GDP, but its GHP! What is this happiness though? Oh, yes, the international measures do exist. In our blog though, let us define our own norms. 

In my opinion, THE most important aspect of happiness is a sense of purpose. Such motivation makes life joyful. It is not empty busy-ness. Rather it is a given goal that helps one enjoy every minute of existence. So occupied are you at reaching that aim, bettering yourself for achieving that destination by every minute that you do not have a split second at any possible negativity at all. Otherwise, an empty mind is the devil's workshop!

Yet another core factor is wellness which includes much more than financial health. Wellness, in my opinion, consists of spiritual and emotional balance, rather than mere physical checks and balances, either. Sure there are many bazzars, now online, too, that sell the idea, however shallowly. It is, for example, positively dangerous to learn online the asanas, at least in the initial phase. Who cares though? Most people are more interested in showing off and in belittling others in some way or the other. As a result, such online learning is compulsory for them!

Yet another major factor that goes in to the making of that  elixir called happiness is a healthy sense of humour. The moment one learns to laugh at the inanities and stupidities, life is absolute fun that never demeans, derides, mocks, moreover.

The most important ingredient of happiness in my opinion is gratefulness to that great power, whatever you may choose to call it, for giving you yet another chance at, a second lease of life, without which existence would have been death. Gratefulness is due to your parents, to your siblings, to your friends who choose to stand by you, who know your real worth even when you may be down and out.

Creativity marks a huge chunk of the happy feel. When you create an alternative,  something unique, in you own small way, you have made life subtly sensitised, more sensible and sensitive, worth living through your imagination.

Being self-respecting is very focal to happiness in my opinion. It does NOT mean being selfish, self-centred, self-obsessed. Rather it means avoiding people and situations who try their level best to belittle you. Instead, it refers to choosing to be in contexts and with people who value you, and as you are.

Yet self-reflexivity is indeed important. It consists of  a look within. It means working upon oneself, bettering oneself literally by the second whereby the only healthy sense of competition you have is with your own self.

Humility matters much, too. It does not mean the hypocritical mouthing of empty phrases. Rather it means a genuine humbleness that shows a sense of wonderment for all that is good, grand and gorgeous.

Yet another important ingredient of the potion of happiness is hobbies. Be it reading, writing, singing, playing an instrument, painting, gardening, watching great films, hobbies involve your self in an encompassing fullness.

Ah, an unmistakable presence in a happy life is a pet, preferably a dog. The love a dog showers on you is so innocent, and without expecting any favours in return, that you wonder why they are called animals! A dog understands everything, your language, your relationships, your moods, and so much so that often they know and love you more than many a human beings! In return, we do not give the pooch much, only shelter and food which he would have anyways managed. Indeed a tail wagging furiously at your very sight, those expressive eyes, that range of sounds, dogs are indeed the best therapists!

Well, please do share your ideas of happiness. Yes, there is great fun in sharing, too!

Pratima@ Happiness is a journey, rather than a final destination.

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