Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Black-Out Statement

 What have we come to as a society? Nirbhaya to Abhaya, the unfortunate incidents do not seem to stop.  The tragic series unfurls uglily on and on and on. As if that horror is not enough, now even tiny tots, who are nursery school kids, are not spared, are being targetted most shamelessly. What kind of depravity can that be? 

This shame on mankind is indeed a blot on humanity itself. Why, so-called animals, in heat only for a limited period, never behave in this devilish fashion. Why then are so- called human beings perpetrators of such weird behaviour?

Why the kids? Because their helpless innocence feeds in to the power hunger of the weirdos? Or because some silly dance competition or the other sexualises the tiny body through awful gyrations to vulgar songs? Is it because adult content is now literally at the finger tips, what with cheap mobile data? 

Whatever could be the reason(s), nothing can rationalise the heinous act against a child. As for the adult women being ill-treated the worst possible and cruel way, there could be many reasons. Lust for power over an able and better woman, the need to teach 'her' a lesson for being superior, the easy access to 'porn', oodles of time on hand given the job crunch for these absolutely unskilled, job-wise-unsuited louts who would never touch a book with a barge pole which they would prefarably use to beat up a 'rival', the frustration due to caste clashes, poverty, endless is the list of causes.

Unrequited love as 'romanticised' by stupid Bollywood films could be a major reason, too. Silly media programmes like the 'Big Boss', not to mention the inane but cruel cartoon series, video games, and the serials boys have been watching ever since they were in their respective mothers' laps, vicious cruelty in boys/men is (un!?!)consciously dinned in to their very psyche.

The tough competition in every field, the innate inferiority complex, given the total lack of subject expertise or skills despite an empty degree or two, the compulsion to bear the responsibility of a family, the impossible masculinity the ads, whether of consumer goods or in the marriage market, twist the male mind in to toxicity.

Boys are rarely taught to be men, forget human beings, in most families. Silly mothers mollycoddle sons, weaponize them in the proxy war they let loose on the helpless husband's hapless family. As a result, boys end up extremely immature, downright foolish. Add to this horrible concoction the lack of sex education.

Thus are ready fool guys amongst whom some graduate to perversions of the wicked types. Macho masculinity is preferred by  party politics as well 'coz thus they get their cheap fodder. Given the breakdown of the traditions of the old order, and the inability of the new to be worthy, the beer-guzzling, drug-doing Gen Whatever have empty mental spaces which are but naturally the devil's workshops.

Society is so much in a flux currently that the Gen Now, literally born with the smart modes of communication, does not even know the basic modes of existence, forget happy togetherness. Multiple available identities on the social media add to the confusion.

Hence such weird behaviour that can never take a "no" for an answer. The domination quirk is fostered by the "tera shirt muzse white kaise " phenomenon. The capitalist market forces and the ubiquitous caste consciousness, the inroads into the job market, nay, the very identity by ever developing tech, the confused male ego, often lacking a sensitive stable support, is indeed warped.

What can candle marches do? Assuage a hurt within that erupts in to such convenient protests that would be quickly forgotten until the next atrocity happens?

What can be the possible answers? Avoid politicians using the confused male identity to their advantage? Families training their boys to be/become sensible and sensitive adults? Better women representation in every field? Better educational modes?  Questions are aplenty. Hope sensible answers would soon emerge!

Pratima@ This blog is my version of the 'black-out-status' movement today. Only through intelligent deliberations can we reclaim the real (k)night!

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