Friday, January 31, 2025

Celestial Sounds

 In Indian religious literature as well as in Indian aesthetics, there is this concept of the "anahat naad" which is a kind of subtle soul- experienced sound imbued with a divine feel. In the Western context, too, the mediaeval scholars believed in the music of the spheres. Unfortunately, its corollary was rooted in a world view, questioning which made Tycobrahe, Kepler and Galileo pay a huge price.

Does the universe indeed have a unique sound? If we can hear the winds at all sorts of speeds (Incidentally, our best friends, our doggies, can hear much better than us, given their sharper auditory sensation. May be, that is why they "feel" the earthquake even before it happens.) on terra firma, (what) would be the sound of the sun?

That was what I have wondered often. Recently I got to see a scientific site (unfortunately the YouTube video editor's name could not be tracked, though I can share the link, if you are interested) which referred to a NASA experiment via Parker Solar Probe which rotates around the Sun, and which has thus captured the "sounds".

The quotation marks are used because space does not actually carry sounds. Apparently, NASA later  translated the electromagnetic waves in to "our" sound parameter. Eerie is the experience listening to these distant sounds from THE source of energy that sustains our very existence.

Well, unfortunately, however, there is no sound of music out there in the vast space. Indeed, there is no musicality to these torpedo like whooshes, clicks, taps, et al. Well, that should prove why art, literature and humanities any day any time are more creative, imaginative and insightful!

Pratima@ Yet again I thus felt the grandeur of the universe, and human cupidities against that vast expanse. Yet again my "resolve/re-solve" to make existence better in my own small way being born in a "good" family every which way,  given the assurance that there is some positivity out there that would sure grant my earnest prayers.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Gorgeous Grottos

 The very word "grotto" or, for that matter, its workaday, rather prosaic, synonym, that is, "cave", somehow sounds special. Immediately are we reminded of  distant mountains wherein reside rishis and munis. Equally possibly, we may visualise wild beasts such as lions, tigers, bears, and probably, the yeti. There could at times be a dark hint of a haunting, right? Oh, yes, sure, often is there a connection with art forms. No wonder, literary texts often abound with these unique structures.

Beyond the pages of a novel (as in  the "Passage to India") or the stanzas of a poem (as in the much anthologised "La belle dame sans merci"), real caves are gorgeous, too. As Pune citizens, sure our parents, or was it a school trip, took us to Karle-Bhaje, the famous Buddhist caves beyond Talegaon, which do not make one feel bitter (like bitter gourd, "karle" in Marathi ), instead make us enjoy (like "bhaje", the tastiest savouries, as in Marathi).

We all Maharashtrians are absolutely proud of the Ajanta-Ellora caves which are simply unbelievable. We feel that bowing down to those anonymous artists who could create such stone sculptures is the only reaction possible when we visit these wondrous caves. Equally unique are the mysterious Bhimbetka caves with their prehistoric art forms. Time itself seems to have frozen in that enigmatic site.

Have you heard of the Fingal caves in Scotland wherein the rushing sea waves have carved a structure whose look and acoustics resemble a concert hall or an opera house? When Mendelssohn visited it, so impressed was he that he composed a famous concerto celebrating it.

Unbelievably beautiful, too, is the Blue Grotto near the Capri Islands in Italy. So small is the opening of this cave that you have to lie flat in the smallish dungee. Once you enter it though, the sea water and sunshine create a magical paradise painted in various shades of blue. The very thought of that image is divine, right?

Well, all caves need not be that romantic. Remember the Mariana Trench in the infinite Atlantic Ocean, and that deep, deep, deep underwater Challenger Deep that claimed six richie rich lives in June 2023 when their submersible imploded under water? Well, man may think he can ride like (and in) a 'titan'. Nature is a far more majestic super-power!

Pratima@Most such cave accidents happen because over-enthusiastic people do not follow rules, are not disciplined, and completely ignore well-meaning warnings. The Titan occupants were cautioned against such an adventure. In the Blue Grotto, too, it is prohibited to swim. People hide in it till the evening as entries are not then allowed. When they thus try to swim, the sea currents, whether the tide is high or low, result in mishaps! It seems, such man-made tragic errors are humanly unavoidable, whether it be the U.S. or Italy, or our very own Kumbh Mela!!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Maha Kumbh Mela

 As it is the Mauni Amavasya today, it would be the second "snan" today at Prayagraj. Of the three important "muhurtams" for the "amrut snan", this is supposed to be a major one. Though the Sankranti and the Mahashivratri would be more celebratory "snan", the holy dip this day would be more like a penance as, given the "tithi", it would mean the washing away of all sins.

Let us look at the term "mauni". Literally, the Sanskrit word would refer to maintaining silence as a "vrat", as a holy oath. Most probably, while taking the holy dip at the confluence, and, may be, the whole day, the devotees would not speak. Even in normal life, if speech is silver, silence is golden. "Maunam sarvarth sadhanam" as the adage goes!

The Kumbh Mela is indeed interesting. We all know the mythology behind it. The "Amrut Manthan", the churning for ambrosia, is a well-known tale.  Well, as for its immediate relevance, I thought of the COVID days. The "amrut" would be the fast found intravenous anti-viral vaccine. We know who the devils would be, the country whence began the epidemic, and all sorts of super-spreaders. Gods would be the scientists, the doctors, the medical staff, the police, and the government decisions. We all also know the "vaccine diplomacy" to carry the metaphor forward, right?

Adi Shankaracharya, who initiated the four "peethams" for the revival of the "dharma", chose the tithi as per the confluence of the planetary positions. Its scientific implications astronomically must have been much explored.

Astrologically, it is a matter of faith. Each religion, every subsect has its own practices, and every devotee has a full, total, inalienable right to follow these. Why, one of my favourite most poems, "The Canterbury Tales" by Chaucer, the forefather of English Literature, emerges out of a pilgrimage. Believe me, the long poem is extraordinarily contemporary, both content-wise and treatment-wise. 

In other words, each community has its religious rituals. Without any whataboutery, it must be asserted that devoted Hindus can follow each one of theirs, too. That brings me to the organisation of this unique ritual. As per the reports, it is superb. I keep on watching the videos which show its grandeur and its high-tech modernity. Given the sheer size, Uttar Pradesh, once mocked as a "bimaru" state, sure deserves a huge pat on the back for the excellent organisation. The financial returns of the investment would be sumptuous as well. The maha Kumbh Mela is a churn in multiple ways!

Well, I must say, impressive are the "leheri" artists who are floats performing the Shiva-Parvati story to a very catchy folk rhythm. I sure do have an objection to trivialising the occasion through the reporting of some IIT Baba and some Mona Lisa, and the rich and mighty devotees. That is the media for you, and, of course, such are the consumers of information, too, as the media mostly sell what the spectators/readers want. So you would have your regular, typical dose of the detractors and the critics as well. Each to his own! The rivers at the confluence flow forever, and to alter Heraclitus' great quote a little, one never takes a dip in the same water twice!

Pratima@As for the Naga and the Aghori, the Geeta sure does not think highly of any  "tamasi" bhakti, though my ignorance of these sects is huge, limited mostly to the videos and podcasts whom we all know for their sensationalism.

Though we all know equally the Bollywood yen for the Kumbh Mela for the lost-n-found formula,  I would in principle object to the sudden elevation of a starlet in any sect. Sure I do not know the hierarchy of, and within,  all these "akhadas".

 I would not hence know the relevance of the title given to her.  Unfortunately, however, it creates an impression that money matters! Hardly an inkling worth it, right? But who, and how, can stop it? Why do not Trupti Desai types try-n-take it up, right? 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Parade, Planets!

 We are just getting out of the heady Republic Day feel. On January 26, there were grand parades everywhere. "Attention, Parade/Platoon" rang out loud and clear in all the corners of India.

Most probably, the echo reached the vast universe. Why this flight of fancy? Is that your question? Well, tonight there is a celestial parade up there in the sky. The bright Venus, the gorgeous Jupiter, the vermilion Mars, the grand and mysterious Saturn, and the faraway Neptune and Uranus have formed a beautiful arc above our earth, aligned as they are all on the same side of the sun.

As it is the no-moon day on Wednesday, they would be visible to the naked eye, only if one were not to live in a busy, bustling metro. Like Mumbai, Pune, too, is growing to be a city that never sleeps. Given such glares, the far-away fare of the planets would not be visible here, unless, may be, you live on the topmost floor of a huge high rise.

Yet sure I have imagined this wonder in my mind. Well, given the vast universe, there is no knowing when it would recur. Why, the very Maha Kumbh, organised as per the unique orchestration of Jupiter with the sun and the moon, would now happen after hundred and forty-four years.

I do not know enough to talk about the biological/zoonotic influence of such a celestial concurrence. It fills my mind with awe and gratitude though. Sure deepens my resolve to make life better in my own small way, given the gorgeous birth granted to me in a 'good' family every which way!

Pratima@ Often I look at the NASA kind of pictures of the universe. Thus is filled my mind with a grandeur that the view of the brilliant milky way had ignited in me. Such vistas, like a lonely ship sailing the huge, not-fully-known oceans, fills your mind with respect for human creativity, and an awe, respect and wonder for the vast universe.

 Sure it makes the rationalist you an agnostic who believes that there has to be a power, beyond gravity and all the electromagnetic explanations, which listens to and grants your genuine, fervent prayers. 

March on, oh, parade of planets! The very thought of you has enriched me in multiple modes.

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Real Woman Power

 January 26 is always a unique moment in our national consciousness, I feel. Well, August 15 is a deeply emotional feel, related as it is to our freedom, our independence. Would you agree with me if I were to say that January 26 is a sensitive but more intellectual step towards our uniqueness as a nation because hence begins with the whole wide world our constitutional sovereign acquaintance. 

No wonder, it is celebrated with much pomp and majesty. Each state has a unique float. A few ministries showcase their unique achievements. The NCC cadets' contribution is special, too. I suppose, all of us love the motorcade parades and the aeroplane formations with the glee of a happy child, right? The adrenaline rush when the pilot somersaults multiple times in the air makes our national pride real special.

In my opinion, however, the January 26 remembrance of Indianness would be truly thrilling when we remember that fifteen women participated in the actual drafting of the Constitution. Their participation in all the concerned debates was vigorous and vibrant. 

They were a varied lot. Ammu Swaminathan and Dakshayani Velayudhan made the members sit up and discuss the untouchability issue even before they met Dr. Ambedkar, it is noted. Begum Aizaz Rasul and  Leela Roy, the leftist politician and 'close associate of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ' should reveal the variety of positions they hailed from.

Unique in my opinion, however, is Durgabai Deshmukh. Sure, the Marathi pride does flutter a little! Oh, yes, Aai always mentioned her as the brilliant wife of Sir Chintamanrao Deshmukh who married her, it seems, out of his admiration for her intellectual prowess.

In my opinion, however, this social reformer and freedom fighter is unique because she was the only woman in the Constituent Assembly's Panel of Chairmen. No, she did not need to be differentiated as 'chairperson' because her analytical prowess equalled any man in the panel.

That, in my opinion, is woman power at its best, in its true sense. These women, as early as 1949, have broadened the path for us to tread on. Hence this tribute to them on this special day!

Pratima@"The education and empowerment of women (throughout the world) cannot fail to result in a more caring, tolerant, just, and peaceful life for all," says Aung San Suu Kyi.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

National Tourism: A Treasure

 Tourism is indeed a great teacher. There is a sanskrit shloka to the effect which says that travel and tourism enhance your awareness, like a drop of oil spreading in a bowl of water!

How does tourism teach us so much? Let us look at local examples first. My brother, Parag, sent me yesterday a few pics from his family sojourn to Leopold Cafe, the Taj International and the Gateway of India, not  to forget the Atal Setu. Why, in these four places is summarised india's colonial past and the glorious present, not to forget the resilient Indian spirit, right?

Indeed Indian tourism itself is a great experience. We have our own Switzerland (Kashmir), our own Rome (Maha Kumbh Mela right now, but there are many many more unique pilgrim places, right?), our own Oxford ( Nalanda being restored to its formal glory). Our Konkan can beat any sea front anywhere in the world, right? Why, across the length and breadth of India, we have very many Louvres without walls. 

Do not you believe me? How about the architectural marvels that are the Maharashtra forts and the Tamilnadu temples? Oh, yes, we do have the proper museums as such, too. Have you ever been to the National Gallery in New Delhi? Our very own Pune has a Kelkar museum, which like the Salarjung, is a wonder created by an individual. 

Indeed, even if one were to take one state tour per year, one would require at least two months per annum to taste its glories of multiple uniquenesses which would feast all our five senses. Most of all, the memories thus created are special and unique. Aai, for example, cherished more her lovely journeys with Sanju and his family to Munnar, to the Himalayas than her stay at their Boston home which she adored, too. 

Tourism in our very own India, in brief, is a great experience. Happy National Tourism Day!

Pratima@ I remember with  fondness Papa's amazement at the Tehri dam during his Char Dham Yatra, while Kunal's comment about the 'casual' meets up-n-close with tigers in the Bandhavgad tiger sanctuary still fascinates me.

 Why, an eight year old Siddhu had actually become the best boy ever after his Himalayan experience, though his naughty boisterous self soon bounced back! Amar's international travels are cuter though, shared as they are with Ashwini, a very happy addition to the family.  

Saturday, January 25, 2025

A daughter is a daughter is a daughter

 Have you heard that wonder of a song, "ek tha bachpan" from the movie entitled "Ashirwad"? This Kafi-raag based piece by the hugely talented Lata Mangeshkar-Vasant Desai duo (most probably penned by Gulzar, I am not sure though) shows the enduring love of a daughter. 

Indeed a daughter is a daughter is a daughter. The way she cares for parents and siblings is not just responsible and sweet. It, moreover, shows that goodness survives and thrives in this "I, me, my" world. No wonder, they say that you are indeed lucky and blessed if you have a daughter.

Most girls are more focussed. May be, the stark realities around are such that they are more committed, to studies, to careers, to relationships, to life itself. Hence the need to give wings to their dreams. Hence the prioritisation of supporting them, whatever might be the adversities, which are aplenty in the vicious world today, further vitiated by the technological growth. Hence the need to celebrate the national girl child day every year!

Pratima@Life becomes magical and a charm, the moment a daughter-in-law behaves, and is treated, like a daughter of the family.

Friday, January 24, 2025


 In the Post-Independence India, the term "Netaji" is often viewed suspiciously. No, no, I have nothing to do with petty party politicking here. No, I am certainly NOT referring to any SP leader from the U.P. 

Often hereabouts, the term, honorable exceptions obviously excluded, means a corrupt power monger. Time was when in the 1940's, the term, Netaji, was the highest honour because it referred to a brilliant, committed leader who had an alternative vision of the process of gaining freedom.

In his lifetime, and even in (despite the suspicions regarding) his death, Netaji was a tall ideal, hero-worshipped by many. He is indeed an alluring figure. Born in a rich family, he was exceptionally intelligent. With a Tripod from Cambridge, standing fourth in the ICS exam, he could have led a comfy life.

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre disturbed him deeply, and he chose the radical way to get freedom. His incognito escape, almost on foot, to Europe, his attempt to corner the colonising British via the German-Japanese alliance, his INA, all these efforts for Independence have made him in to such a myth that people refuse to believe that he died in an air crash. The Gumnami Baba versions are aplenty, right?

May be, a true tribute to him would be to accept the composite legacy of the Independence Movement, sift his real legacy from the swirling mythologies, and inculcate these in our present day policies. His differing route to freedom could, for instance, teach us a lot regarding asserting our sovereignty  in today's complex, multi-polar world of international politics where many a country insists on flexing its (h)arms (in all the senses of this term)! Hence the sneaking suspicion that the current Indian Foreign Minister, S. Jayashankar, might be one of the ardent admirers of the noble Netaji.

Pratima@"When the will defies fear, when duty throws the gauntlet down to fate, when honour scorns to compromise with death,  that is heroism," states Robert Green Ingersoll.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Fright Response

 Fright or fight, they say, is the primal most response. It is hard-wired in to us from the days when we were cave animals, so to say. Darkness, wild beasts, as-yet-not explored/understood wonders of the world, each of these, and all together, appeared to be threats to be fought against or to be avoided by running away from them. 

So much an animal response it is that we have idioms such as 'pushed to the wall'. It reflects the feline response. A cat, for example, when cornered, either escapes somehow or attacks bitterly.

It was this basic instinct that seems to be the base of the Jalgaon train incident. Someone floated the rumour of a fire. Someone pulled the chain. Given the fright-hence-flight response, many passengers jumped on to the track . A superfast train on that track just mowed them down.

Was this fear-mongering an act of sabotage? Was it a wicked mischief? For brute fun? As a warning or a distraction, since the whole world seems to appreciate the Kumbh Mela organisation where, too, there was a fire incident? As a retaliation to the naxalite control? Because Maharashtra seems to attract a huge FDI at Davos? There has to be some motive, right? 

Whatever could be the wicked malignancy, those who are victims of it would never return. A death, it must be remembered, is a void that can never be filled. Such acts, hence, whatever be the conspiracy that lead to them, must be avoided.The human(e) cost involved is much too much!

Pratima@On the lighter side, in the Saif saga, which gets more mysterious by the minute, neither the victim nor the victimiser (who is who, by the way?) seems to suffer from fright, although there seems to be some fight. The flights of fancy about the incident abound though, and endlessly.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

King Vikram faces a query, much too many, scripted by the Vetal, eh, the Devil himself

Yet again, King Vikram decided to tread the same well-known path. There was terrible traffic though.  The Vetal, who accompanied the King, said, 'Okay, as time pass, which is our intra-national favourite most hobby, let me tell you a story.' 

'Once upon a time, in a major metro, which happened to be the financial capital almost of a continent, there was a high rise building. In it lived filthy rich people who were, however, so poor that they could not afford any decent security, neither guards nor good security cameras.

 But the building had a wow ladder at the back with the perfect most fit to jump in to the wonderful shaft, spacious enough for a well-oiled phoren ka pahalwan to clamber up precisely to the eleventh floor. Of course, he was Tarzan and Spiderman welded in to one small tiny body whom four male servants and their body builder master could neither catch nor control. He scooted from a room latched on the outside. He managed to vanish through a bathroom window with a mesh. Bad devil!' 

'Look who he is talking,' sniggered the King and said, 'Stop. Do not proceed.  In fact, today I am going to ask you questions, and if you cannot answer them, you would be one of the media personnel covering a wild goose chase.'

'Why curse me so badly? Am I not ready to answer your questions?,' pleaded the Vetal. 'Shoot'.

'Why bring in pistols and guns which were absent even when an unreported half murder was committed, while a petty thievery of shoes was yaked and yaked and yaked about?''

'No silly jokes, please. We have been suffering them enough. For the last five, or is it six, days! Proceed with your queries!'

'If a man has six knife injuries, of these two fatal, how come this unique individual, some great actor, indeed, not bleed to death as he went some two hours later to a wow hospital with doctors who are good at similes, and cover-up's, of course, of wounds that are charged some twenty five lakhs for a five lakhs worth operation as pointed out publically by other doctors who saw the insurance claim?'

'Answers not possible. Go ahead,' said the Vetal. 'Actually, i have one too many, too. Why not call an ambulance to reach the nearby hospital? It would arrive in five minutes, since big shots were involved, right? Why allow a seven year old kid to take to the hospital his seriously injured, deeply wounded, blood soaked Daddy? That, too, in an auto? Was the child going to sign the authentication papers in the hospital just before the operation which was 'needed' to remove that almost three inch long piece of knife? And while the Dad was being operated, was the small little 'Baba' going to be in the operation theater helping the great doctors in his own small way?'

'Oh, Vetal, what wonderful doctors! Where did these doctors train because they allowed such a patient to go home in less than five days! Such magicians they are that their patient sauntered out of the car as if out of a gym or a sauna or a unisex saloon, smiling, waving, not even a bandage near the neck which had a deep knife cut apparently. His deeply wounded, oozing backbone, too, seems to have healed magically! A child who hurts himself while playing has more band-aids taped on his frail little body!'

'I told you, Oh, King, who can provide solutions to such questions? In fact, I have many more.'

'You are right, Oh, Vetal, why, and possibly what, answer when fictions are dished out as facts that are stranger than Bollywood fillums!?!'

Pratima@In this whole farce is lost the credibility of a well-known hospital and of a highly respected police force. But who cares! I suppose, that is the moral of this (hi)story!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Maga event

 No, no, there is not a spelling error in the title. Sure the swearing in of Mr. Trump was a mega event. After all, the Potus is involved! I did mean 'maga' though, because Mr. Trump became the President of the U.S. with the 'maga' promise, right?

Let us explore a little the issues in this internationally significant event. In my opinion, Mr. Trump is not merely a career politician. He is a proper businessman, too. Want proof? Well, both he and his wife released mnemonic fun memes which got sold off in such a way that the family booty has gone up by billions of dollars even before the swearing in ceremony began, it seems.

Yet another point not to be missed in this context is the fact that Mr. Trump is accompanied by Mr. Musk. Already, he has ruffled a lot of sovereignty feathers. He, too, is a seasoned businessman, interested both in solar energy as well as the space industry. He has a very interesting position about China and its collateral use of X, related to which is the issue of Chinese (lack of) transparency. Now, the Trump-Musk duo sure must mean the end of, or at least a huge backtracking of, the Woke culture. Is not, however, there more to this politics-business coalition?

It is as certain a fact as the return of (crony?) capitalism. Worrisome is the point that as a free gift comes the insular aspects of the Maga motto. While making America Great, would (not) America often use sanctions? (How) would such a stand affect the rest of the world, especially countries like ours, coming up the hard way.

There is already a declaration of the oil issue which would be truly tough for India. The U.S. may have, an unstated though, policy pogrom/programme targetting both Russia and China. Such a version of the cold war could make geo-political realities difficult for India. 

Mr. Trump is already talking about making America industry intensive and products oriented. Such "make it yourself", that is, American indigenised industry would make it still more difficult for India as the crunch for raw materials ( as we depend on China hugely here) would be acute, not to forget the energy issue (as we depend in a big way on the Russian crude oil).

Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk would sure soon sort out their tussle over the H1-b visas, et al. That is going to raise a lot of issues for Indians there or aspiring to go there. Indians as cheap labour there makes us indians their Bangladeshi's or Bihari's (as in the case of the Maharashtra Marathi Manus rhetoric), right?

In other words, the mega maga magic must make us sit up, while we wait and watch!

Pratima@America has always loved being the super-cop of the world. Do not you believe me? Well, read up Chomsky on the American international policy. Coupled with the 'business first' vision of the Trump-Musk duo, India has to negotiate a win-win formula, despite and along with the Maga mantra that must make, not mar, India, right?

Monday, January 20, 2025

Guérilla tactics

 The year was 1663. Shahiste Khan, the maternal uncle of Aurangjeb, had settled himself in Lal Mahal, Pune, and he was cruelly ill-treating, looting, troubling, attacking the people, the common man. Keeping the Khan's huge army unaware of his plans, Shivaji Maharaj entered the Lal Mahal in the dark of the night, and before either the Khan or his  soldiers could realise what was happening, the band of hardly three hundred fifty soldiers created havoc, while four fingers of the confused Khan got cut while trying to run away.

The beauty of the real plan by the Maratha army was yet to unravel. A herd of bullocks was sent in the direction of Katraj. Atop their horns were tied lighted lamps. Thus the impression was created that the Maratha army was travelling towards Rajgad near Satara. The moghul army chased that miasma, while the bravehearts comfortably reached Simhgad.

A classic case it is of guérilla warfare. The Maharashtra police seem to have looked it up before beginning the search and combing operation to nab the culprit in the Saif case. 

They released a rather suspicious visual of a guy climbing with a heavy backpack, and getting down the staircase (which could be anywhere actually) with a very light one. The man's mug was very much visible. There were no blood stains, no scuffle marks, no injuries. Later on, this suspect was seen sauntering around Mumbai.

Next came a story about a guy whose train journey was intercepted as his looks appeared to match the suspect. The huge contin(g)ent of media of all sorts was thus sent on a wild goose chase twice. The usual rant about the inefficacy of the police while the Khans, the Muslim superstars, are targeted reached a resounding crescendo with all sorts of wild guesses, and statements even by certain political leaders!

All along, quietly but surely, the Mumbai police tracked the real culprit in a very intelligent way. The combing operation was tough. The culprit, however, could be caught despite his hiding in a hay stack in a dense jungle. The mobile location and the local informers were a great help.

I suppose such guérilla techniques are a must, given the media frenzy. Remember how during the 26/11 attack, the over enthusiastic electronic media unwittingly helped the "aka" (master minds) guide the foot soldiers like Ajmal Kasab!

Sure in the entire narrative, there are yet very many glaring loop holes. Now that the culprit is found, his motives, others' lies and evasions, the master minds involved, all these can be unearthed, while the media is busy scouting the area where the culprit was found!

Pratima@A worrisome fact it is if the man is a Bangla Deshi. Fearsome is the reality that he could manage an Aadhar card, a pan card, a job, and could cross the border at his own sweet will. How many such people would be around? True terror it is, given the present world realities!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

What the heart feels...

 The early 1990's! Mumbai was ripped apart by very many bomb blasts. Mobiles were not rampant then. Yet mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, husbands, wives, parents, children, in brief, the entire family, not to forget close friends, would ten times call each other. No, those were not the "babu, you ate, no?" kind of silly calls! 

These phone calls emerged out of genuine concern and deep love as life appeared terribly unpredictable. Till your loved one returned home out of harm's way, you would be on pins and needles! 

In Pune, too, in the late seventies, during the Jakkal-Sutar terror times, there was this unknown fear that gripped every loving heart which would worry itself sick till everyone was back home safe and sound.

Why is it that we fear the worst, worry ourselves to death, are terrorised till the loved ones return home safe when, and if, they are way, or even, wee, too late? Is it because we are senti-n-hence-mental?

I think not. Life appears uncertain, I suppose. Look at the New Orleans New Year's Eve blasts. Danger seems to be lurking around every corner, and one knows not in which form. Remember the 'Mane driver' who went berserk mowing down many just for the heck of it or because there was a plan to unsettle the imminent Republic Day celebrations.

There is that feel eternally lurking at the back of the mind that there is just no knowing! How who would use whom as a pawn to be discarded as useless when, where and how appears difficult to gauge! Hence this near fear psychosis, I suppose.

Homes also no longer appear safe as the Saif affair proves. Lord alone knows what happened/was going on behind closed doors! What can all safety measures, even when/if they are efficiently working, do to human irrationality, hominid cupidity and fluke 'accidents'!

It is such feel of helplessness (remember the Pune Porsche accident?) where the moneyed and mighty can get away with utter nonsense and bitter harassment that makes a fond heart fear the worst, right?

Pratima@ Anyways, the heart feels, guesses,  imagines instinctively what the head knows nothing of!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

What-n-where is the truth?

 Would you agree with me that the first casualty of the twenty-first century, post the- Twin-Towers, post the Revolution-5.0- lifestyle is truth? Yes, we indeed are in a post-truth time frame! Such are the times that total falsehoods, absolute lies can be packaged as THE truth, and vice versa, in a way that would make Orwell's Big Brother blush with such mockery and shame!

In all the detective fiction kind of writing, be it Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple, we are repeatedly taught that one should never believe the obvious. Often it is a cover up to hide the deeper machinations. Most all humanity has taken this advice to heart, it seems. Conspiracy theories hence are THE narrative these days.

Let me give you an example or two. Look at the Los Angeles fires. They spread truly wildly. They literally ran amok. Given the high speed winds, lack of humidity, the dry grass, et al, the fires refused to be doused, despite water hydrants as well as helicopters spraying anti fire liquids.

Hugely tragic is the loss, right now obviously to property. But loss of human lives, too, would be big. Now that the devastating fire is rather under control, though the flames flaring up again is not completely 'washed' out, controversies have started raging wilder than the devouring flames.

Why the fire now? Is it a conscious attempt to create an ill-omen for the newly elected President? People notice it with interest that none knows the (source of the) exact spark that ignited the burning hell. So wild guesses are spreading thicker than the smoke. Is it careless trekkers who began the inferno? Or is it an act of sabotage? By militants? By unhappy opponents? Theories fly thick and fast, clouding the atmosphere. Truth is nowhere. Climate is surely vitiated every which way!

The new media love sensationalising. The constant barrage of images has shortened the human attention span to forty-five seconds tops. So there is an eternal demand for newer bits to chew, each 'tastier' than all the earlier ones! In the process flutter falsehoods, and truth is nowhere!

Pratima@ I would like to add an extremely important point here. Often, EVERYONE concerned knows the exact truth to the smallest detail. But so many personal (as well as group/community) interests are at stake that it is always "teri bhi chup, meri bhi chup", all scratching each other's back, given all sorts of power-monger(ing)s! Who cares if truth and innocence are the casualties. "Me, my profit" matters the most, however small the "I"!

Friday, January 17, 2025

India is young!

 No, I am not referring to the same ole story of India's demographic dividend. Especially because very recently was celebrated the National Youth Day, it may seem as if the title of our blog talks about that extremely discussed fact, while ignoring its co-relative; namely, India has a huge population of the elderly, often without a pension, and with minimal welfare benefits.

No, that is not the issue we analyse today. Instead, I would like to define youth. Youth indeed is a state of mind. It has little to do with the biological age. A listless fellow with no clear goals, with no clear vision either on self or life is aged in my opinion even when he is physically fit, and in his late teens or mid-twenties.

Youth is actually readiness to explore, to experiment, to even fail but learn from it, and resiliently begin anew. In other words, youth is that adrenaline rush, that happy hormone which makes every day a fe(a)st despite all possible troubles.

Oh, yes, such enthusiasm does not mean false bravado. Instead, it is both self-awareness as well as a practical fact-check of realities. Let me give you an example. Given the invasion of the AI, youth would mean re-skilling, upskilling, creatively coming to terms with, negotiating with the complexities and difficulties posed by inevitable, not-under-our control facts of the Revolution 5.0! This readiness obviously involves sincere efforts.

In my opinion, a very good example of such a definition of youth is the recent achievement of/by the ISRO scientists who all must be at least in their early fifties. The Spadex  triumph is a great achievement in the space undoubtedly.

 What truly warmed my heart in the Spadex mission is the fact that the seed put in that space capsule sprouted with two leaves, and, oh, yes, the gut bacteria multiplied in that strange 'climate'. Thus is proved the fact that life eternally begins anew, which, in my opinion, is the real meaning of, is the true definition of youth. YES, india is thus proven to be young, be it any context!

Pratima@Youth means dreaming with open eyes.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Soldiering on!

 The year was 1949. The day was January 15. It was indeed a day worth many rifle salutes, and all such state honours, because on that day, General Cariappa took over the reins of the Indian Army from the British General, Francis Bucher. In a way, on this day was born the "Indian" military. Even after seventy-six years, this unique event, a major stage in sculpting India's identity as a sovereign republic state, deserves a marked mention.

True, any war is bad. Wars should sure be avoided. Yet in real time geo-political wrangles, wars can be heaped on us whether we like/want them, or not. In such a scenario, military readiness is inevitable even when peace is our middle name.

Neighbours, for example, can be rouges as states, as in our case. At times, we can be a pawn in others' machinations, as in the U.S-China power struggle. Sure, S. Jayashankar, as our Foreign Minister, does show their deserved place to even the mighty Western countries. Yet modern warfare, even when we do not desire it, is a reality to be catered to, given the proliferation of militancies and insurgencies of all sorts of ideological hues, and armed, moreover, with the latest war machines.

Undoubtedly, our Prime Minister, too, has attained huge success in developing bilateral ties with many countries, while developing personal equations with many international leaders. The world today is, moreover, not bipolar as in the Cold War era. Yet army as a major wing of our national identity cannot be  ignored.

Any army is good as its soldiers.  Any general is as brave as his soldiers. Unbelievable is the spirit of our soldiers in all the three wings whom neither the bitter winters in the Himalayas nor the deepest waters nor the typhoons of the Indian Ocean nor the hounded aerospace, given the very many unholy alliances around, can terrorise, defeat or vanquish. 

Why, our platoons not only guard our frontiers, but they also are a major civic force in the peace period. In case any natural calamity takes place, it is the army bravehearts who are rushed in as the safest and most reliable source of protection and getting things under control.

 No wonder, the P.M., like some of his predecessors, gives the army its due respect. Why, he spends each of his Diwali's, not to forget other major occasions, with the army jawans, despite the bitterest cold or the mighty waves.  Soldiers sure do deserve this sensitivity as well as the very many monetary benefits! Long live soldiers so that long lives, and happily, our country, our nation.

Pratima @ Well, I am dead against any war! 'Peace, prevail' is my mantra. Yet I do not require "eh, mere watan ke logon'' for tears to well up in my eyes.

Once, for a seminar, I travelled literally with a bogey full of rookey army recruiters who were very young boys from poor families. These foot soldiers, unlike the NDA trainee-officers, have it truly tough. As I got off at my station, I saluted them before the train moved on because they were literally going to soldier on!

'One rank, one pension', the 'Agnipath scheme' are big debates which we shall take up some other time, may be. For the time being, "Happy Soldiers' Day" to one and all!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A People's Festival

 All the festivals are always nice. But some festivals are better because they appear nicer to the common man. Let me give you an example.  Most all people prefer the 'Holi' festival, given its abandon. They would anyday anytime prefer it to any puja, right? 

Sankranti, in my opinion, performs really well that function of pleasing all. For every man across the social strata, for every generation, the festival is special, indeed unique. For children, it indulges their sweet tooth. For the young beauty, it provides a chance to dazzle in a black outfit.

For the lady of the house, it is an occasion to show off her cooking excellence. From tilgul, halwa to the extremely difficult to make "gulachi poli, she can  whip up a great, and tasty show. Similarly, special it is for the historianas January 14 is a reminder of the great Marathas' warrior spirit at the Panipat fight.  

For the farmer, this "uttarayan" based festival brings a sense of fulfilment and contentment. Till late May at least, he is comparatively free. Is it any wonder hence that uniquely this festival consists of flying the kites, a game full of fun, competition and skill. Yet that skill is not terribly unique either. Truly a ' people's fest' is Sankrant!

Pratima@This year, given the 'Maha Kumbh' and the first 'amrit snan', the Sankrant is unique; special for the devotees, the government, and the spectators!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A lucky day

 Every religion of each people has some superstition or the other. Thirteen is an unlucky number for the Christians, while for the Hindu way of life, it is a very charged entity.  Whichever way you look at it, January 13 is special, especially this year. Let me explain why. 

For one thing, January 13 precedes Makar Sankrant which is celebrated in a big way across the length and breadth of our continental country. Called 'bhogi' in Maharashtra, this predecessor consists of a simple but hyper tasty feast of khichdi with a huge dollop of ghee and a veggie made of all sorts of peas, brinjal, berries, and special home-made masala's. The side dish is the bajra roti, served hot, and it tastes heavenly with til/sesame chutney, amla pickle and butter. Absolutely healthy and tasty food!

This year, the date marks the beginning of the Maha Kumbh, a mega event organised in a giant way as it recurs after every hundred and forty-four years. Prayag Raj is already bursting with devotees from all over as on January 13 began the first "Amrit Snan". That brings us to the stories about the Kumbh which we shall discuss some other day.

This year, January 13 also marks the day after the first anniversary of the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya. After a long wait of some five hundred years during which ordinary but heroic people protected the Ram Lalla, emerged this temple. It hence moved many devotees deeply when the idol finally got its own  space. It indeed looks lovely in all the pic's. 

Tomorrow is Makar Sankrant which we shall discuss and elaborate in the blog tomorrow. In the meanwhile, let us enjoy the lingering lovely smells of tasty food permeating the very home itself. 

Pratima@None can stop an event whose time has come! 

Monday, January 13, 2025

A Unique Day

 January 12 is indeed unique. On this day falls the birth anniversary of a great mother and a great son. Yes, January 12 is the birth anniversary of Jijabai, the mother of King Shivaji, and it is the birth anniversary of Swami  Vivekanand as well.

From his childhood, Jijabai instilled in her son the feel of self-respect. As a result, he could confront the then mighty Mughals, and on an equal footing. He did not choose to be happy with being a mere extension of that empire. Instead, he established the Maratha kingdom which cared for our religion, our region. Till the war of Panipat, and beyond, too, the Maratha warriors were the formidable alternatives to any foreign rule. 

All the positive qualities in her son were consciously  instilled and ingrained by Jijabai. As a result emerged a ruler who cared truly for the welfare of his people, who was an intelligent, sensitive and conscientious King with a great and creative foresight.

If India can be imag(in)edas a mother, one of her most illustrious sons would be Swami Vivekanand. He spread the true spiritual  Indianness literally across the world. In his famous Chicago speech, as in his other speeches and writings, he showed how inclusive and truly perceptive Hinduism is.

To Hindus, he gave a focussed, strong, assertive identity that would be decisive, definitive and progressive in a futuristic way. It is hence indeed necessary to remember and imbibe in our life styles the messages of such great people.

Pratima@Anniversaries are new beginnings in a way because the fond remembrances revive in our mind the great messages.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Work Ethic

 Yet again rages the debate about the work hours. All sorts of memes are afloat. Callow, actually shallow, anti-capitalist comments are making the rounds. Thank our stars, none has as yet started the Southern mindset debate! We ARE an 'argumentative' enough society for such 'smart' talk.

No, I am not taking the side of the 'filthy rich'. My point of view is rather different. In my opinion, the quantity of  work, the hours put in, become an issue because the quality of work is hardly worth writing home about. Okay, let me give you a few examples to prove my point.

At every 'nukkad', what do you see? A huge row of autos, drivers yaking away in groups, never ready to help even the senior citizens (who are, otherwise, constantly mocked at for being 'old') if the distance or the direction of the 'sawari' does not suit them. The meters continue to be as faulty as the drivers' attitude, which is extremely arrogant. Signals, lanes are meant for not following, anyways.

Another group at the roadside would be people in their twenties/thirties lounging around, harassing women, passing nasty, nay, sick comments, talking about politics or cricket stars, boasting about their own 'jugads' as 'smartness'. They are hardly good at anything. Why, they cannot speak or write their own mother tongue properly.

That should bring you to schools and colleges. Given the slew of early teen age love stories as themes of films, 'smart' students have lovers in the seventh, or is it younger age-wise, standard. With the mobile at the fingertips, they 'know' a lot. At least, now, there are exams. Earlier, as well as during the COVID years, marks were freely distributed as no teacher wanted to fail anyone. The sleigh down the slope of quality continues.

Most college students never attend lectures. The campus is for hanging out. As the fees are very low, or are paid through various government schemes, the typical college education has no value for them. They would without fail attend a CA or CS or CAT or some such private tuition as it is very costly, and the 'coaches' hardly care about learning. Students are made exam-ready. Success somehow is the motto. 

Students study, if at all, the night before the respective paper during the college exam period. As a result, their hold over the basics themselves  is extremely weak. Give them an assignment which would have them actually work, whose answers are not available either in 'Nirali' or on the ChatGpt, but would make them read up, think, analyse, well, they would hate you like hell!

Teachers are no good either. If at all lectures are conducted, it does not hurt anybody's conscience that their core subject classrooms would have just one, or two tops, students! With the autonomous status of academic institutions, teachers set the papers. Their friends are external examiners, if at all.

 Well, this practice continues till the Ph.D. Experts who cannot produce a single correct sentence in English produce Ph.D. 'theses'. Why, they are research guides! Prospective, or in-service, lecturers cannot pass the MCQ type of NET/SET qualifying exam's, whose success rate would be tops five per cent! 

In  autonomous classrooms especially, most often,  just a chapter or two is taught, and questions and assignments are set on these very areas. Indirectly, the entire paper is leaked, too. Students love such teachers because "dimag ka dahi nahi banata". Such teachers wander off the campus for all their private affairs, visits to hospitals, shopping, a quick drop-in at home, and what have you. So long as the "click" at the entry and exit time is okay, nothing else matters!

Well, professionalism, work ethics hardly seem important. Be it government offices or the corporate ones, everybody is very conscious of benefits, which is not at all wrong if responsibilities are catered to as well. Less work, more money/benefits is the theme, however. People are never at their place/in their seats. Gossiping about others behind their back, ganging up, groupism, dirty politicking, many such 'hobbies' are indulged in at the workplace.

Well, the blog would be very big-and-long if we rattle off all such ills that haunt our workplaces. Significantly, after every burst of/by the corporate honchos, many such basic issues are never analysed. Instead, irrelevant discussions crop up. Well, self-reflexion IS a virtue!

Pratima@ The very, very, very few honourable exceptions to these rules, which are universally accepted in India, never worry about the big bosses grunting about work hours because they do not while away time at the workplace, they actually do their duties, they WORK! 

Oh,yes, I  have not even mentioned the AI, and what it would do to our work, forget hours!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Hindi hai hamari

 Hindi enters all our lives in the fifth standard, may be. As school kids, lost to its grammar and vocabulary and orthography, we hardly notice its charm. That charm gatecrashes in to our emotional universe during our teens.

The lovely Bollywood songs, graphically outlining every possible emotion in vivid most details, literally open up a fairyland in front of us. It is hence that Hindi appears absolutely to be the open sesame to a magical world.

Thereafter out teachers of Hindi are these superb lyricists whose most meaningful poetry is transformed in to great music by the highly talented music directors. Our beloved singers, whose voice sounds like a cascading Niagara of honey and ambrosia, thus and forever etch Hindi on to our souls. More and more in to Hindi Literature we immerse ourselves which proves the delicacy of Hindi beyond Bollywood.

Well, given this charmed and charming process of acquiring Hindi, our very own 'Rajya Bhasha', I have always wondered at the politically (in)correct opposition to it, especially from the South whence, especially from Tamilnadu, hail the enthusiasts for, and toppers in the Hindi Bhasha examination(s).

Well, our continent-size country sure needs a lingua franca. Sure there is the Indian version of English that very very few can manage at all, forget properly. Well, statistically, Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world, too. Here is hence celebrating Hindi on the occasion of the Hindi Diwas.

Pratima@Various and varied are the dialects of Hindi which, too, add to its allure, and, ironically, to its pan-Indian appeal.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Diaspora Day

 January 9 was the day in 1915 when  Gandhiji returned from Africa. Almost a century later, in 2003,  the day was declared as the Diaspora Day, the 'Prawasi Bhartiya Diwas'.  The non-resident Indians and their complex relationship with the motherland are actually the underlying themes beneath this specification.

Come to think of it, etymologically, diaspora, given its quasi-religious origin, literally means scattering, spreading. In a way, that is what the diaspora have done, from the days of  the Jewish tribes' tale in the New Testament. Away from the motherland, they have literally spread across the world.

As for 'prawasi Indians', may be, Rome, or possibly Iceland, could be the only places that would not have any Indian. Otherwise, the typical jokes about a chaiwala or a wada-paw-wala atop Mount Everest hold good.

In the sixties and seventies, when the cream of the Indian intelligence, the iit toppers, for instance, sought foreign shores for a better future, there was a hue and cry that there would be brain drain. Now the leit-motif has changed. It is no longer brain-drain. Rather it is foreign currency gain. Why, more than half the Kerala lives off the Middle East monies!

Well, beyond such dirty finances (remember the pathetic stories of Indians lured to Malaysia and other such tax heavens so as to dupe Indians through online frauds?), very interesting is the Janus face of the diaspora.

They are out of India, but India is never out of them. They may not create havoc like the 'grooming gang' types. But they sure do re-create a mini-India out there. Guzzling Coke-n-pizzas, people hereabouts may be getting the fattest fastest, but there the diaspora must eat the Indian dishes, the more traditional, the best!

Honestly, out there, they are more Indian than the mere mortals here in India. Every ancient practice, each miniscule ritual, often considered superstition here, gets followed there to the 't'. They eat desi, they wear desi, they listen to desi music, they watch desi fillums, they speak Hinglish.

Want an example? Even in a three-tier city here in India, practically every alternate lane would have dance classes teaching every possible 'phoren' dance. Out there, every girl learns bharatnatyam, every boy taalvadyam, and so on! Proper 'chota', small, little India they re-create there. 

Such ghettoisation, this inability to jell with the country of residence, I suppose, distinguishes the Indian diaspora. May be, that is because they are not exactly immigrants, they are emigrants who chose greener pastures. In return, anything is okay, lesser payment than the 'natives', racial slurs, xenophobia, blotted identity, the works, in brief. Included in this 'package' is the empty nostalgia!

Our very own 'prawasi' Indians, except, may be, the indentured labour or the first generation Gujarati-Punjabi's, never really had to rebuild a new heav(e)n as did the Founding Fathers of America, or, for that matter, the convicts creating Australia. Nor are they refugees, neither migrants with extremely tragic stories.

Comparatively, they have a cosy life which most probably was their ambition anyways, however complex, or ABCD, their identity has become in the process. No wonder, despite a Sundar Picchai, et al, they hardly had huge respect granted to them, which is currently accorded to them due to the Modi-S.Jayashankar duo!

Pratima@They continue to be the "trishanku" types, dreading every Trump(et), each Musk quote, neither here nor there! Such are the diaspora ditties!!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Meaning of a Personality

 On the Google, there are any number of sites which profile a good person. Equally definitive are the traits of a bad person, obviously. In fact, the ready-made psychological parameters on the internet are much better at defining the bad rather than the good. Well, anyways, the world overflows with them. Why tarnish our blog with them, right? 

Instead, let us look at some qualities of a good person as indicated by such search pages. The first one would be genuineness. Indeed, it matters a lot. Fake persons are exposed soon. They cannot, forever, wear the mask. It tears, and actually often. The only problem is that one tends to  locate the pattern rather late.

The second quality is that genuine people never gossip about others absent physically, but present or dragged in to the conversation willy-nilly. It is a truth universally acknowledged that the person who gossips to you about others is sure to gossip about you to others. Better hence avoided.

The most important quality would be that good people are transparent in their activities and motives behind them. They do not play hide-n-seek every moment. There is a translucent cleanliness about their actions. They talk the walk, and walk the talk, in brief.

As a consequence, there is an unmistakable authenticity about them. It is coupled with sincerity, obviously. Yet such people are never self-centered. Empathy is their hallmark. Kindness is their identity card. They can always imaginatively wear the shoes of others to understand deeply their problems.

No wonder, such people are introverts. They think, and feel, deeply. They cannot be very comfortable with shallow presences. They would hence have very few friends because they can easily guess through people's hidden agendas, and often find it deeply difficult to tell it to the face, given their own sensitivity. Instead, they prefer their own company, co-habited by great authors, thinkers, and activists.  

In brief, such people are great readers. They love, and are good at a number of fine arts. No wonder, they appear aloof to most who wear many a masks, but have no face. They definitely are not "proudy" to use an Indianism. They are sure to so come across to the prejudiced.

Their sense of humour is superior. It is subtle. It is not the slapstick variety of a fat lady slipping on a banana peel, hitting a hawker's cart full of fruits that roll out everywhere causing a havoc. Their subtle humour without malice has an awareness of the societal imperfections of every variety.

Such gems, no wonder, are one in a million. Better to hold them close to your heart as and when you meet them. Such brilliance, once, and if, found, should never be lost as diamonds are rare!

Pratima@ The Google list of many, and more, such qualities might be giving most a profile to live by. That may be the reason behind the popularity of such folksy parameters. The internet, anyways, is knowledge democratised!  

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The Earthquake

 Earth has nothing more cruel to show!

 All, reduced to rubble, to dust returneth.

 Rasped Nature, growled the belly of  Earth

There made arid, how hope, now, can grow?

 Hurt would be all  in soul who pass by.

 Quietly watches the snow peaked Himalaya.

  Utter loss, Oh, Shiva, why such 'Maya'?

  Ahoy, says the heart, eyes sans tears dry.

  Kindred flora n fauna thou destroyeth

  Even now wake up, thee, Universe urgeth!

Pratima@ The tragic earthquake is a warning in a way to human beings for tampering with Nature. The Himalayas are earthquake prone as the tectonic plates underneath are still mobile. In such a sensitive area come up base camps, and hotels and what have you, for the Mount Everest adventurers. 

As the rising sea levels are already drowning low lying islands, the crumbling Himalayas seem to say to human beings, thus far, and no further your sports, your adventures, your progress, and the resultant environmental regress! Hence this acrostic!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 It is pitch dark. You partied hard. It is already past midnight. Your bike is racing, almost as if you were Schumi. Suddenly from somewhere hidden in the dark comes a grrrr, two eyes with indescribable emotions glare at you, and thus begins a chase till, may be, you are past two crossroads. In a split second though,  the new chase soon begins.

No, there is no mystery neither suspense. No, it is not the Devil incarnate. It is just a stray or two (The Lord save you if the entire pack assumes the 'guardian of the nukkad' duty!) performing their innate compulsive instinctive desire/duty of guarding their corner! Summer, monsoon, winter, nothing deters them. They bark, they chase, they bite, their favourite area being the shin of the victim!

Most people hate strays whose number must be in lakhs. Yes, I love dogs. Yet I have a different take on strays. In my opinion, they need to be saved from people, and people need to be protected  from them. A stray mostly scavenges. Yes, certain people feed them on a regular basis. 

Instead, it would be better to take them to a vet, get them an anti-rabies shot, find them a good, loving home. Otherwise, they should be neutered. It is very cruel on the animal as well as on human beings in the vicinity to let a stray be a stray, and non-neutered, and unvaccinated.

Given their dustbin-foraging, fights over food, their untreated wounds, the strong likelihood of rabies lurking in their system, the strays can be a health hazard, both for themselves, and for human beings. 

Yes, there are a few large-hearted  individuals who have built enclosures for them. Blue Cross holds adoption mela's. Such efforts are often limited. Hence the need to treat the stray with all possible vaccines, and get them a good home. Ratan Tata, Sachin Tendulkar, Madhuri Dixit have shown the community the way through such adoptions. Hope the 'stray' issue soon becomes 'normal'!

Pratima@The utmost cruelty, however, is 'have money, will buy a pedigree' policy.  These pets are used to a certain lifestyle imposed on them by human-beings. The 'masters' break their normal life, instincts, very strong in strays.   

A dog is a responsibility. He is (like a member of the) family. He is neither amusement nor fashionable show-off possession. Dogs are hyper-sensitive and hyper-intelligent. They need our love. Talk to your doggie for a few minutes a day, and experience his immense joy and unbounded love!

Oh, yes, come what may, never abandon a pet. Whatever be his health condition due to old age, he deserves and needs our care and concern. Our turn it would be to show unconditional love which he showered on us throughout his life!


Monday, January 6, 2025

Aamrika to jaana hi hai!

 Have you watched that recent film entitled "Dunki"? No, I have not. Well, Shashi Tharoor mentioned it in one of his columns. Apparently, it inspired a Gujarati family to enter the U.S. illegally via the Canada border way as it is vast, and hence the border security force presence is comparatively less there, unlike the Mexican  (walled) border. The American border was just a few feet away, and this family of four froze to death!

That is the kind of craze to go to America. Hence the title of our blog which is a take on the film title "Pyar to hona hi tha". In the article mentioned above, Shashi Tharoor says that people pay middleman hefty sums to the tune of one lakh dollars so as to land in America any which way!

Very sad it is because the Trump administration with its MAGA measures is against immigrants, illegal and legal, both. One of Mr. Trump's election promises has been to deport illegal migrants from Day One of his presidency. The Trump-Musk debate, the MAGA supporters' demonstrations clearly indicate the American mood. Yet the craze mentioned in our title!

Actually, Indians, even those with post- graduate qualifications, cannot right now be sure they would be able to get jobs in the U.S. of today. Anyways, most all Indians there get paid the minimum wages as per the U.S. legal system. Yet these wages ARE much lower than the payment made to Americans. Given such realities, the Friday 'pink slip' is going to be much shared! The American tax regime is very strict and truly heavy, in addition.  The pay cheque itself, moreover, comes with the tax cut by the employer. There is hence hardly any chance of any tax deductions as in the Indian I/T filing. Yet logo kon Amrika to Jana hi hai! Sad delusions!

Actually, India IS equally good right now. Surely, moreover, there would not be any racist slurs nor the need to accept a pay cheque that pays lower than the 'natives'. As for the mad race for the green card, for American citizenship, the less said about it, the better! Why then the sad chase, especially when America is no longer the dream that it in the sixties was, given the multi-nodal geo-political development of the contemporary world. Hope people wake up from such nightmares!

Pratima@ Such dreams should be seen with open eyes!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Loss of Vision

 January 4 is the Braille day. Louis Braille, who in his childhood turned blind due to a freak accident, designed this tactile mode of reading so that the 'vision'-ary atrophies of the visually impaired can be challenged.

Now a days, softwears such as the "jaws", and other such auditory kind of apps can help the visually impaired with auditory inputs. Even then, the subtle discrimination against the blind continues because there is lack of vision in and amongst the so-called able-eyed.

Even the actual physical loss of vision is on the rise currently, given the increased screen time, and eating habits that titillate the tongue but are not particularly conducive to health.

Much worse is the metaphorical loss of 'vision'. Currently, most people are utterly blind about their egos, their positions, their affiliations.  According to them, it is always the others who are eternally wrong. In my opinion, one of the most obvious examples  of this kind of blindness is 'hating someone for the sake of hating '. 

Once this 'dis-ease'  strikes you, you are blind to the prejudices within your own self, and you look at the rest of the world only from those blinkers! In the process, you tend to sound more and more pathetic!

As for the visually impaired, some of my Spanish and German students have been so 'fortunate'. Yes, I consciously write so!  They refuse any senti pitying by others, and surely there is absolutely no self-pity. They are unbelievably independent and feisty. They consider themselves absolutely  normal, and live life on their own terms. They have indeed opened my eyes in more ways than one!

Pratima@ When I was teaching Spanish to one such batch, Spanish books with the Braille version was not available. They had only my voice as their tool. Their complete concentration, their retention power, their genuine commitment to studies, unlike the 'normal'  others, were truly eye-openers!  Somehow, thereafter, I naturally tend to avoid the 'blind with selfishness', 'blind with rage' kind of metaphors!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Anniversary Celebrations

 How to celebrate anniversaries of great people? I would have thought that the best solution would be by inculcating their thought patterns in daily lived lives. Sure, the contexts would be different. So one takes the major idea, re-looks at it, re-searches it, re-invents it, but incorporates it, if and as far as is possible, in one's life. 

Let me give a concrete example that would be easily understood as it is extremely popular. Yes, I am referring to Chanakya. On the internet,  'so said Chanakya' kind of sites assign all sorts of quotes to him, without checking if he really said so, that is, without authentically  consulting the actual source.

Such stuff gets easily followed which fetches bitter responses against Chanakya as an old fogey, as a conservative, as a reactionary, blah, blah, blah! Manu, too, faces the some fate. People, who may not have even actually seen, forget, read,  the 'Manusmriti', gas most authoritatively  about it! Instead, 'leave the dross, accept the relevant' should be the open negotiation strategy which, too, can be debated. We are an 'argumentative' enough society for such discussions, for looking up alternatives!

Why all this fulmination? Is that your question? Well, since at about 8 p.m. yesterday, there was an overflow of messages regarding how the celebration of the Savitribai Phule birth anniversary should be.

Her contribution is indeed grand, though many committed historians have pointed out certain major discrepancies in that narrative. That is not our theme right now. Anyways, it is too big to be addressed in a short blog. Actually, such doubts should be addressed through a proper book, I suppose.

Here let us briefly look at the discussions about how to celebrate the anniversary. There were extremely flippant suggestions such as lighting a diya (rather like the COVID clapping, beating of drums, right?), putting on one's forehead her kind of "chiri" kumkum!

 To begin with, these days, very, very few women wear the kumkum. If such is their notion of personal choice, would they wear the 'chiri'? If they do, it would be more a fashion statement than a tribute. Most, moreover, would be busy taking selfies. The entire gravitas of the celebration would thus be surely ruined!

It would, moreover, be mere tokenism. Instead, on such a day, why not/how about creative alternatives to find out more about her, about those days, about the fight women in other countries put up (even today! Look at Iran, for instance) for rights such as 'right to vote', 'right to education' which we have got as part of that 'package' called independence!!

As such awareness raising never happens beyond empty tokenism (which is, otherwise, attacked hugely for every possible religious festival), every year typical rituals, a bow to making everything into a consumer goodie, would continue, but ideas would never ever flourish!!!

Pratima@The most certain way of tokenism is assigning a divinity to thinkers, and follow typical rituals. One need not then discover nor debate the complexity of their vision!

Friday, January 3, 2025

Media Alternatives

 Time was when the media used to be strong. Merciful, or otherwise, media could make or mar careers. Now the very careers of  typical traditional media are at stake, right?

Who is to blame? COVID is the culprit, would be the general perception. Well, people were cooped up for twenty-four hours in each other's company which might make "home, sweet home" more like a prison house. The escape route was the OTT platforms which introduced a wealth of 'wonder content'.

The subscription rates were not very high, I believe. Till eyes refused to watch, 'aye, aye', said most I's! Once one gets used to quality and variety, it is tough to accept the same old recipe of partisan politics, sensationalism, and filmy gossip, right?

COVID made people binge watchers and reluctant readers. Much more than that the 'dis-ease' generated a new race (the term 'race' is used here in all its associations, a group, who created fast, and fast racy stuff). Nam to suna hi hoga! Yes, the youtubers, the bloggers, especially the video bloggers, the podcasters, and so on.

The sources this entrepreneurial journalism needed were manageable, a camera, a microphone, a computer, a mobile, easily available, equally accessible. Their themes would always be unusual, their analysis razor sharp. Topics the mainstream media may choose to ignore, given the various affiliations, would be openly and ably discussed on the blogs, podcasts and YouTube channels. These  bloggers, youtubers and podcasters hence have a huge fan following.

They are friendly, seem to talk to you like a confidante who can be relied upon, and present a fresh perspective. In fact, so popular they are that their funding is open source public funding. May be, that is why they add that feel of (stakeholder-ly) authenticity.

The variety in this by-now-quite-established field is truly mind-boggling. Such is their fresh, at times, whistleblower kind of approach that even mainstream media seem to adopt their ways. Want proof? Look at "Vantage with Palki Sharma" at First Post. Well, who wants to read these days? If youtubers can condense infotainment, obviously there are tons of takers, ready to 'take on the wor(l)ds'!

Pratima@No harm admitting that you have got mildly addicted to our daily dose of blogging, right? Well, none can stop an idea, despite the AI, whose time has come. Sure Victor Hugo would not mind that minor add-on!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

New Year Resolutions

 Yes, new year resolutions are always a source of rib-tickling fun. They sprout like mushrooms in the monsoon, and vanish in to the stratosphere, like the promises of many a 'neta' types.

 These kind of resolutions mostly include health care, and, as a result, exercises. In the white heat of the New Year enthusiasm ( the wicked may argue that actually  in the aftermath of a huge hangover! But that is okay. Some people never improve. Oh, no, I am referring to the nasty no-sayers!), people rush to the gym, buy the costly annual membership, to 'suit' which there is a purchase of Nikey shoes and branded gym-type clothes, and all. 

Tops it is a week that the "josh" lasts. After a week or so, if Vicky Kaushal were to ask his trademark "how is the josh?" question to such gym-goers, there would be a deafening silence because, in the first place, there would not even be handfuls left to answer him!

Most such New Year resolutions, not to drink, not to smoke, not to waste time, not to use the mobile constantly, for instance, evaporate in to thin air faster than river beds in the heat of summer. Yes, they are made in the haze of a vague feel, are not genuinely thought through. Hence they are thus transient.

Issues you genuinely care for never need such resolutions because they are etched on to your very soul. No amount of disturbances, destructions (by the power-mongers rampantly crowding every possible field), despair or depression (currently oh-so-fashionably popular) can distract you from your goal, your target, however impossible it may appear, and quite often.

In brief, barking dogs never bite! Those who are lazy or disinterested, an excuse sure they find, while those ready for grind, sooner, not later, their destinations, sure they find!

Pratima@ It is most remarkable that Mr. Devendra Fadnavis chose to spend the first day of the New Year in Gadchiroli where he welcomed back in to the main fold many 'wanted' naxalites, and boarded the first ever state transport bus to Chattisgarh.

 Such gestures do send a very positive message in a political climate far too long dominated, nay, vitiated, by the Beed incident. The C.M. sure deserves a huge round of applause. Hope the metal mines there are environment-friendly, and related industries empower the local Adivasi's.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The New Year Begins!

 It is already January 1, 2025! The New year is already here. Last year was truly a blur. Absolutely difficult it would be to gauge how fast it slipped away. 2025 is already here!

What happens when a new year begins? Apparently not much! Sure the calender up on the wall changes. Is that the whole and sole change though? No, not really. Whether you party hard or not, something sure changes.

Yet again hope blooms. Yet again dreams blossom. Yet again positivity dawns. We feel better educated, more mature due to all that happened in 2024, all the floatsam and jetsam included. Every disappointment, each failed attempt would have taught us some important lessons which are sure to make 2025 a far, far better year. Thus emerges on every January 1 an important step in the everlasting journey towards a better self.

I feel, on this day, the whole world wears nothing but exhilaration, forgetting all the negativities that were heaped on to make the road of life as slippery as the worst bend of a 'ghat' road. 

Here is hoping that 2025 will not at all be as bad as the prophecies of Baba Venga, and all such soothsayers. Here is wishing, yes, a Very Happy New Year!

Pratima@ Does the debate whether 'our' new year begins on Chaitra Padwa mean much? Well, post the LPG revolution, we are bound to-n-with the whole world inextricably, whether we like it or not. Anyways, we cannot wish away the Gregorian Calendar which determines all our activities. My take on this debate is to enjoy doubly, today in its own way and on the Chaitra Padwa in the uniquely Indian way. The more, the merrier, right?

Worth remembrance

 March 8 is the day women are showered with praise, hugely, in heaps and heaps. Literally, women are drenched in admiration on March 8. On t...