Saturday, January 11, 2025

Hindi hai hamari

 Hindi enters all our lives in the fifth standard, may be. As school kids, lost to its grammar and vocabulary and orthography, we hardly notice its charm. That charm gatecrashes in to our emotional universe during our teens.

The lovely Bollywood songs, graphically outlining every possible emotion in vivid most details, literally open up a fairyland in front of us. It is hence that Hindi appears absolutely to be the open sesame to a magical world.

Thereafter out teachers of Hindi are these superb lyricists whose most meaningful poetry is transformed in to great music by the highly talented music directors. Our beloved singers, whose voice sounds like a cascading Niagara of honey and ambrosia, thus and forever etch Hindi on to our souls. More and more in to Hindi Literature we immerse ourselves which proves the delicacy of Hindi beyond Bollywood.

Well, given this charmed and charming process of acquiring Hindi, our very own 'Rajya Bhasha', I have always wondered at the politically (in)correct opposition to it, especially from the South whence, especially from Tamilnadu, hail the enthusiasts for, and toppers in the Hindi Bhasha examination(s).

Well, our continent-size country sure needs a lingua franca. Sure there is the Indian version of English that very very few can manage at all, forget properly. Well, statistically, Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world, too. Here is hence celebrating Hindi on the occasion of the Hindi Diwas.

Pratima@Various and varied are the dialects of Hindi which, too, add to its allure, and, ironically, to its pan-Indian appeal.

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