Saturday, January 18, 2025

What-n-where is the truth?

 Would you agree with me that the first casualty of the twenty-first century, post the- Twin-Towers, post the Revolution-5.0- lifestyle is truth? Yes, we indeed are in a post-truth time frame! Such are the times that total falsehoods, absolute lies can be packaged as THE truth, and vice versa, in a way that would make Orwell's Big Brother blush with such mockery and shame!

In all the detective fiction kind of writing, be it Sherlock Holmes or Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple, we are repeatedly taught that one should never believe the obvious. Often it is a cover up to hide the deeper machinations. Most all humanity has taken this advice to heart, it seems. Conspiracy theories hence are THE narrative these days.

Let me give you an example or two. Look at the Los Angeles fires. They spread truly wildly. They literally ran amok. Given the high speed winds, lack of humidity, the dry grass, et al, the fires refused to be doused, despite water hydrants as well as helicopters spraying anti fire liquids.

Hugely tragic is the loss, right now obviously to property. But loss of human lives, too, would be big. Now that the devastating fire is rather under control, though the flames flaring up again is not completely 'washed' out, controversies have started raging wilder than the devouring flames.

Why the fire now? Is it a conscious attempt to create an ill-omen for the newly elected President? People notice it with interest that none knows the (source of the) exact spark that ignited the burning hell. So wild guesses are spreading thicker than the smoke. Is it careless trekkers who began the inferno? Or is it an act of sabotage? By militants? By unhappy opponents? Theories fly thick and fast, clouding the atmosphere. Truth is nowhere. Climate is surely vitiated every which way!

The new media love sensationalising. The constant barrage of images has shortened the human attention span to forty-five seconds tops. So there is an eternal demand for newer bits to chew, each 'tastier' than all the earlier ones! In the process flutter falsehoods, and truth is nowhere!

Pratima@ I would like to add an extremely important point here. Often, EVERYONE concerned knows the exact truth to the smallest detail. But so many personal (as well as group/community) interests are at stake that it is always "teri bhi chup, meri bhi chup", all scratching each other's back, given all sorts of power-monger(ing)s! Who cares if truth and innocence are the casualties. "Me, my profit" matters the most, however small the "I"!

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