Friday, January 17, 2025

India is young!

 No, I am not referring to the same ole story of India's demographic dividend. Especially because very recently was celebrated the National Youth Day, it may seem as if the title of our blog talks about that extremely discussed fact, while ignoring its co-relative; namely, India has a huge population of the elderly, often without a pension, and with minimal welfare benefits.

No, that is not the issue we analyse today. Instead, I would like to define youth. Youth indeed is a state of mind. It has little to do with the biological age. A listless fellow with no clear goals, with no clear vision either on self or life is aged in my opinion even when he is physically fit, and in his late teens or mid-twenties.

Youth is actually readiness to explore, to experiment, to even fail but learn from it, and resiliently begin anew. In other words, youth is that adrenaline rush, that happy hormone which makes every day a fe(a)st despite all possible troubles.

Oh, yes, such enthusiasm does not mean false bravado. Instead, it is both self-awareness as well as a practical fact-check of realities. Let me give you an example. Given the invasion of the AI, youth would mean re-skilling, upskilling, creatively coming to terms with, negotiating with the complexities and difficulties posed by inevitable, not-under-our control facts of the Revolution 5.0! This readiness obviously involves sincere efforts.

In my opinion, a very good example of such a definition of youth is the recent achievement of/by the ISRO scientists who all must be at least in their early fifties. The Spadex  triumph is a great achievement in the space undoubtedly.

 What truly warmed my heart in the Spadex mission is the fact that the seed put in that space capsule sprouted with two leaves, and, oh, yes, the gut bacteria multiplied in that strange 'climate'. Thus is proved the fact that life eternally begins anew, which, in my opinion, is the real meaning of, is the true definition of youth. YES, india is thus proven to be young, be it any context!

Pratima@Youth means dreaming with open eyes.

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