The early 1990's! Mumbai was ripped apart by very many bomb blasts. Mobiles were not rampant then. Yet mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, husbands, wives, parents, children, in brief, the entire family, not to forget close friends, would ten times call each other. No, those were not the "babu, you ate, no?" kind of silly calls!
These phone calls emerged out of genuine concern and deep love as life appeared terribly unpredictable. Till your loved one returned home out of harm's way, you would be on pins and needles!
In Pune, too, in the late seventies, during the Jakkal-Sutar terror times, there was this unknown fear that gripped every loving heart which would worry itself sick till everyone was back home safe and sound.
Why is it that we fear the worst, worry ourselves to death, are terrorised till the loved ones return home safe when, and if, they are way, or even, wee, too late? Is it because we are senti-n-hence-mental?
I think not. Life appears uncertain, I suppose. Look at the New Orleans New Year's Eve blasts. Danger seems to be lurking around every corner, and one knows not in which form. Remember the 'Mane driver' who went berserk mowing down many just for the heck of it or because there was a plan to unsettle the imminent Republic Day celebrations.
There is that feel eternally lurking at the back of the mind that there is just no knowing! How who would use whom as a pawn to be discarded as useless when, where and how appears difficult to gauge! Hence this near fear psychosis, I suppose.
Homes also no longer appear safe as the Saif affair proves. Lord alone knows what happened/was going on behind closed doors! What can all safety measures, even when/if they are efficiently working, do to human irrationality, hominid cupidity and fluke 'accidents'!
It is such feel of helplessness (remember the Pune Porsche accident?) where the moneyed and mighty can get away with utter nonsense and bitter harassment that makes a fond heart fear the worst, right?
Pratima@ Anyways, the heart feels, guesses, imagines instinctively what the head knows nothing of!
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