Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The New Year Begins!

 It is already January 1, 2025! The New year is already here. Last year was truly a blur. Absolutely difficult it would be to gauge how fast it slipped away. 2025 is already here!

What happens when a new year begins? Apparently not much! Sure the calender up on the wall changes. Is that the whole and sole change though? No, not really. Whether you party hard or not, something sure changes.

Yet again hope blooms. Yet again dreams blossom. Yet again positivity dawns. We feel better educated, more mature due to all that happened in 2024, all the floatsam and jetsam included. Every disappointment, each failed attempt would have taught us some important lessons which are sure to make 2025 a far, far better year. Thus emerges on every January 1 an important step in the everlasting journey towards a better self.

I feel, on this day, the whole world wears nothing but exhilaration, forgetting all the negativities that were heaped on to make the road of life as slippery as the worst bend of a 'ghat' road. 

Here is hoping that 2025 will not at all be as bad as the prophecies of Baba Venga, and all such soothsayers. Here is wishing, yes, a Very Happy New Year!

Pratima@ Does the debate whether 'our' new year begins on Chaitra Padwa mean much? Well, post the LPG revolution, we are bound to-n-with the whole world inextricably, whether we like it or not. Anyways, we cannot wish away the Gregorian Calendar which determines all our activities. My take on this debate is to enjoy doubly, today in its own way and on the Chaitra Padwa in the uniquely Indian way. The more, the merrier, right?

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