Friday, April 1, 2022

In the beginning is the end

 Let us look at the title of our blogpost today. It appears paradoxical, a contradiction in terms. That premise would vanish in to  thin air  the moment  we look at the meaning of 'end'.  It may mean the finish, the dead end. The word has yet another meaning,too!

'End' may mean goal. In this sense, it is highly relevant today. April 1is the April fool day. Instead we can make it April full day. How? Instead of fooling around, let us decide cooling the 'around' us. The around obviously means either the climate/ambience or the ambiance. Both need cooling currently.

Let us begin with the ambiance. Currently everybody is so horribly sure of oneself that even when the truth is staring at the person directly in the eye, (s)he would choose to look the other way. So the blame game is the name of the killer sport. 

This sport rules every sphere of human activity , be it personal relations, international relations, relation within and between/amongst class, caste, creed, religion, region, gender, and currently age as age shaming is the name of the game. 

As a result, the temperatures run/soar eternally high. Ambiance, in brief, needs to cool down. The best solution could be to be equally sure that the other person, too, may be right. The moment everyone grants everyone else the right to be right, the whole ambiance would be right!

Now let us come to the other ambience, the climate. How can we cool it? We can stop misusing the resources. We can think of alternative sources of energy, too. 

If we try such measures, in the beginning of this Hindu calendar, the chaitramas, would indeed be the goal, the end!

Pratima@ well begun is half done.

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