Wednesday, April 13, 2022


 I have often wondered what the paparazi and their so-called victims, the celebrities, get/gain by that entire chase game. They obviously feed off each other. How?Why? These are the questions.

Let me give you an example. A certain film star would share pics of her exercise regime in detail during her pregnancy. Minutest details of her feed, of her clothes were tom-tomed publically. The Baby was born. The photos just would not be shared. Nor would the paparazi leave the Baby alone. The entire circus was funny.

Now a certain marriage. Why create such hangama over it both by the paparazi or the families concerned? There is nothing shameful about either a marriage being performed or a Baby being born. Why such silly secrecy? And if the concerned parties do not want any publicity, why the tamasha by the press and the photographers?

Who feeds off whom?If the celebrities are so against it, Why do they stoke the fire constantly by keeping the curiosity alive, by feeding tidbits to the media? And if they are so absolutely against it,why does the media chase them either? 

Indeed ugly could be the under-the-table deals mutually beneficial. Much worse is the intention in my opinion. Both the parties are consciously creating a buzz to stay in the news. Any publicity matters!

  Or is it the ultimate consumerist consent creation? To use, to be Used! Moreover, certain products (the wedding dresses, the pregnancy suits, not to mention the videos and/or the books' royalty) and, oh, yup, certain fashions cum lifestyles get popularised and sold as merchandise! Imagine performing shirsana during advanced pregnancy. Poor gynacs must have had a horribly hard time preventing that practice mass scale! 

May be, that is the Name of the Game. Conscious creation of a certain life style to be sold to the peurile public to lap it up and replicate! Thus businesses flourish, consumers continue lapping up and recreating the morsels of a lavish, luscious but vain and empty lifestyle consciously created and thrown at them. An entire set-up based on all the negativities, jealousy, greed, covetousness. The market wins. The consumer is beggered every which way. Who cares? Publicity matters!

Pratima@what shame /when 'any' publicity at any cost is the name of the game!?! 

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