Friday, April 29, 2022

Dance Day!

 If next to acting in films/plays and  making films, there is any art most people love, it is the dance. Its sibling, singing, is equally popular, too, what with umpteen reality shows. Painting is tougher. Nor can it enjoy the gooey sweet judges of the song-n-dance variety. Given the social media as well as self publication via the internet, hyped up is writing, too. The society is very arty now, in brief!

Dance is like French, moreover, the mark of sophistication, in that, it is, a symbol of polish, of upward movement socially, a metaphor for the aspirational middle classes to prove that they have 'arrived'.  Very many dance  schools have hence mushroomed. Dance is everything, music, sur, tal, laya, acting, et al. Dance is not mere steps. It is dreams come alive.

Actually, it is the shiva tatwa in motion. It is deeply spiritual. That is the transformation I was witness to when I interviewed Sitara Devi. As I am not a dance disciple, I had gone with immense preparations. My theory questions, she would, despite her advanced age, translate in to a passionate performance. The hotel room, the imminent evening performance, nothing would deter her from dancing which was  both, her body and her deeply dedicated soul. 

Minutes etched on my memory indeed! Remembered all this as April 29 celebrates the world over this composite art form, unique, special and etheral.

Pratima@dance is trance!


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