Sunday, October 16, 2022

Food Fads

 Do you read up the 'advisories' in various health magazines and health supplements of newspapers? Well, yes, I do. There are two major themes such messages dwell on: healthy mind and healthy body.

Sometimes I honestly feel that all such  information is  rather like the astrological predictions published in most all newspapers. Sure I do not read these, but i do know that they are rather repetitive. In fact, it is often suggested that the predictions get juggled around. In other words, what was true for Aries today is valid for Scorpio tomorrow! I would not know as i never ever look up that column, no, not even for fun.

The health advice, i could say with some authority, is both; useful as well as repetitive. By now, for example, all of us know that we should laugh away our tensions, walk away the weight of the body, and off the mind, etc, etc and etc.

Sometimes there is a very informative article or two. Let me give you an example. If you want your fat to melt away ( the language used by such articles!), every morning you should drink a glass of hot water in to which you add fenugreek seed powder,bitter gourd juice, black pepper powder, turmeric powder, and cinnamon powder. May be, worth a try, but better with just a spoonful of each in a tall glass of warm water, right?

My problem with such 'toolboxes' to counter that enemy called dis-ease is that they are almost as unreliable as monsoon predictions and change faster than the moods of a narcissistic megalomaníac.

Why, by the time, the society settles down to the Dixit diet after a lot of hullabaloo, the vegan variety makes a grand entry. Sometimes the food items are to be weighed by milligrams, sometimes to be chosen as per their colour. Well, the variety is mind boggling, and honestly as confounding as the Piccadilly circus signal with its sixteen or is it seventeen, 'crossroads'!

Personally, I think the typical home made wholesome Marathi food, supplemented often with the Southern variety, and at times by the Northern mouthwatering dishes, with a fast or two thrown in, would feed us the best as it suits our geography, our climate and our palate, right?

Well, better to eat to live and live to eat as well, right? So why follow food fads that make us both sad, and hence bad? Instead eat healthy, and be happy!

Pratima@ If food be the music that nourishes the soul, why dance to the tunes of food fads?

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