Saturday, October 15, 2022

Writing: A Lost Art?

 Does anyone any longer write even a letter? Thus despair the elders. Who writes a letter? Thus dismiss the youngsters. True, in the era of wapp messages, writing itself is a lost (st)art, given the use of emojis, and hence the rise of the visual, rather than the verbal, communication. 

In fact, if one were to line up all the emojis in a row, and in a smaller size, they almost look like a return to the cave/pyramid inscriptions, a script that needs deciphering.

As the mankind unmistakably seems to prefer such pictorial language, even while writing simple messages, people stumble. If at all anyone writes to begin with! Ah, that is the moot question!

Well, the communication media have made speaking easier, while writing is always more difficult as it is more responsible, needs to be thought through, has to be coherent and cohesive. Why and who bothers that much?

 Instead there are readymade proforma provided by the new technologies for every professional need, c.v. to all sorts of applications and letters, for instance. 

In addition, writing, unlike speaking, is more a long-lasting and  reliable record. True, these days, every word, too, can be recorded if your mobile has that much of a GB data card. Yet anyone can deny the authenticity of a recording, and the voice-verity check mechanism is not easily and/or cheaply available. 

Writing a simple letter, too, hence is a  business deal that is drilled by the MS Word paradigms, not to forget the Stak and Grammarly types. Human, unique, individual, personal touch is missing in writing, so to say.

As a result, writing personal emails, too, is a distant nightmare. In such a scenario, who  at all writes/cares for serious literature when cheap entertainment is easily available in abundance? 

Apparently, books sell by kilos! These are most often the "how-to" types. How to know English literature, for instance, without touching even a single text even with a barge pole is the success story today. 

Such extremely shallow 'simplified' books by pompous  but smart writers (how can anyone possibly call them authors?!?) may get gobbled up by gullible readers who, too, do not want to touch a text, forget read it, but would like a pretentious smattering of information (cannot even call it knowledge, forget wisdom). 

This fateful formula makes a very shallow, intellectually(!) rather stupid and hence extremely opinionated society which is the real tragedy! When genuine writing, great literature full of subtle complexities, like the very life itself, get substituted by smart-alecky market managers called writers and publishers, a solid void is created which kills curiosity, creativity, wonder and imagination. And thus dies writing, but who cares!

Pratima@Writing is not a craft/that is bazzar bought/nor is it in the market taught/It is an ART/That is NOT merely smart!

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