Monday, October 31, 2022


 Success is the sweetest. It crowns our genuine hard work with recognition. It is hence a great feel.

What goes in to the making of success? For sure, it is talent supported by sheer hard work, not merely the smarts. More than that, it is also resilience, the capacity not to be swayed by minor to major setbacks. In my opinion, this capacity indeed is the greatest aspect of success. On the road to perfection, the real base of success, there would be very many difficulties, problems, downright failures, the horrid hurdles the world creates in your way. 

The ability to overcome these as early as possible, to bounce back, matters hugely. For sure, such worries would welter you like a sharp and harsh whip. The pain would be indescribable. How long to wallow but in the depths of despair? Self pity never ever helps. 

It is important  indeed to remember that very many, countless people have a destiny much worse, much much more difficult than ours, and yet they manage to achieve so much. Why then the despondency when so much is in our favour?

Yet another step to success is the support of, the cushioning by all that is the best in this world. Some people may choose to call it God. However may you name it, God, positivity of/in the universe, always remember that it would stand by you, come what may, as it is the universal sheer knowledge that supports your pure intentions and sheer hard work. Such is its strength and power that the so-called luck factor, too, soon follows suit.

The unheard by you, the unknown to you, but genuine prayers of, the deep best wishes by those who continue to care for you, come what may, matter hugely in my opinion. May be, whatever is the best in this universe continues to listen to these heart felt good wishes, and responds to them with a reverberating echo, i suppose. Such heartfelt, soulful prayers for us indeed are the plinth of our success, what say?

In that eternal journey to perfection that is the real fulcrum of success, let each achievement be a step to pause and reflect on what we have achieved so far, and whatever needs to be upgraded so that we continue to remain relevant in a scenario changing by the second. Thus can contented success be our companion forever!

Pratima@ Success is a journey forever, enriching us always and ever!

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