Friday, October 21, 2022

Will screech n scratch, but...

 Well, these days, one has to just peek in to a video, and the algorithm decides that this kind of content is what you like, and there will be literally a plethora of programmes related to the theme or personality.

That is the way i got to see this programme which i had not seen on the big screen. It was a full scale roast of the man of the family. Three generations of women in his family, talking over/across each other in a way much worse than the channel debates, were literally proving to the whole world how he is third rate every which way, personally and professionally. 

It was not in fun, moreover. The gang was dead serious. Well, the lady and her female brood were responding to comments he made in response to some fun game with some other celebrity couple. The comments he apparently made were not even with reference to his wife, but in response to the script that must have been handed to him. All of it this must have been rehearsed as fun quotient.

The woman, coming as she does from the same profession, must have known that all of it is the format of a show, scripted much in advance. Yet she chose, or at least pretended, to take it personally, and publically  literally mauled her husband, in cahoots with the next two generations.

What exactly was achieved? What was the goal? Possible that this tamasha, too, was scripted. Then, of course, it is THE pits. Whatever people do for publicity and money! 

But if it was not scripted, it would be a vicious drama of proving oneself to be holier than thou, and begging  for pity from others by washing dirty linen of one's own family in public, right?  A classic case of  'I screech and scratch you out of existence, but don't ya dare touch me'! The only result was the entire clan appeared in extremely poor light.

I suppose, that is the same case with the Diana story, too? Well, her husband to be was dating her elder sister whom he dumped because big sis leaked to the press about the dalliance.  So the lady knew everything about the kind of man/family she was  marrying in to, right?

 The so-called crowd in the marriage was also an open secret before her marriage. Why she, the entire world apparently, knew about  it. She should have rejected the proposal. But how else would you get the perks! 

Even while wedded to the man, she had some six or seven affairs with other men so much so that scandalously her second son is supposed to be one of her lover's child. But she continued to scream and scratch! What kind of fun is it to make a divorce pact with your sister-in-law? Harass and humiliate the in-laws? Apparently, she did not honour that either.

She would croon endlessly about her great love for her children. Apparently, this very woman threw herself down a flight of steps while four or five months pregnant because of some minor peeve with the husband! 

The same scenario with the posed, in all senses of the term, photo shoots! Each time and every occasion, she would tip a whole battery of journalists through multiple modes about her activities, and then cry hoarse that paparazzi harass her! 

Just because with lot of make up,  cute hair do's, fine clothes and great jewellery one looks beautiful, does it mean one becomes holier than thou, a superb thinker, and a great activist? 

What would such women do if they did not have all the benefits and perks that cushion them so well? Unfortunately, the bedazzled, or is it bamboozled,  society vacantly finds them to be great liberators and role models. Real activists and genuine role models do not wear, and DO not need costliest clothes and wow purses, and  photo ops, et al.  It is real grime, dust and dirt that they court for the cause they believe in, and sacrifice a lot for it in countless ways.

The only muck the 'i shall screech and scratch', actually 'I shall eat the cake and keep it, too' brigade manages is in a self-centred way, devalue everything, family, social work, ethics of personal and professional relationships, and thus in the final analysis, society. Sad truths!

Pratima@ I suppose, the world would be a much better place if everyone remembered that when we point a finger at someone, full four fingers point at us!

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