Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Politically correct?

 I am on a wapp group that considers itself extremely proper and correct and progressive, etc etc. Eternally though there are comments that reek of a strong bias for or against people, groups, political parties, etc etc. 

I find the whole of it quite amusing because most of it is mere forwarded material, copy-pasted, and rather prejudiced at that. Yesterday there was this worthy comment that during Diwali, crackers burst only when men bathe, while nobody cares about how and when and if the lady of the house bathes at all. There was also a homily about how such behaviour is patriarchal. Very pricey comment indeed!

To begin with, these days most all people do not even wake up for the early morning Diwali baths. It is considered oh-so- traditional and old-fashioned. So there is no question of any cracker bursting at the time of anybody bathing. 

Unless they have to attend some Diwali "pahat", jazzily dressed up in funky traditional wear, nobody even wakes up before 7.30 or 8 a.m , as it is vacation/relaxation time, resting before going out for Diwali lunch at some hotel. By that time, by eight-ish,  the morning slot for crackers is long past over. Simple reality-check! Such fact findings are indeed necessary before shooting the mouth/pen, i believe.

May be, some sixty seventy years, this kind of inequality might be taking place. In hindsight, it is easy to lambast it. The entire social set-up was different then. Does not mean it was just, but surely it cannot be measured and attacked by the standards today. That is spurious scholarship and false consciousness as feminism. 

Well, paradigms and perceptions completely and totally  change, due to material conditions to begin with, but the rules and regulations of the social set-up today cannot be imposed on the past, or the other way round. I suppose this mode of paradigmatic change applies everywhere. Look at the late Queen of England, her daughter-in-law, and her grand-daughters-in-law.

 Even in such an institution completely controlled by rules and regulations, by traditions and customs, there is a drastic change, at the root level, at the very grassroots.  But using those changes to lambast the Queen's behaviour as old fuddy duddy would be unfair. In fact, i would say that gently but surely, she created a superb space for herself in a very men's kind of world, though she may not have uttered/known the "f" of feminism.

Well, saying that crackers burst only for men's ritual bath, and not for women's is being very cute-sy and politically  correct. Would it be intellectually lazy and factually dishonest? Why dare in that holier than thou pretence-dom/dumb!

Pratima@Opinionated debates for the heck of it hide vicious hatreds? I would not (like to) know! How about you?

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