Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 How memories have their own ways of reigning it, in fact, lording it, over our minds, right? Well, it has been raining like crazy for almost more than two hours now. It sounds and  looks almost  like a cloudburst. 

In fact, somewhere there was a huge lightning crash with each wall reverberating with its echoes.  So deafening it was that for a split second, it sounded and looked like it was right next to our lane. Huge tall trees that it has, it sounded possible, too, though it was more a feel than a fact.

And all along the only scenario I continue to remember is Aai and her reaction to the rains. She used to be rather nervous whenever there would be thunder and lightening. She was not exactly comfortable that i would go to the patio, and watch the fierce lightening. Often i would just sit right next to her, and tell her not to worry, or make hot tea, and at times, bhajji. Of course, if the eats or the tea were too much beyond her rough schedule, she would not be keen on such ceremony though.  In brief, all my lightening memories are associated with Aai.

Once i was returning after the M.A. lectures, and had to cross a huge expanse of a ground to get an auto. It was mid-May, and there were sudden summer showers with lightening and thunder. When I told her of my adventure, in the typical motherly way, Aai was very upset. She used to often tell the story of Muktai's death whenever there would be such luminous lightening.

She would also talk of 'wayu' and 'jal', the wind and the water, the limitless and extremely powerful 'panchmahabhuta's' according to her. I have always wondered hence how difficult it must have been for her  whenever Raju went on his shippie assignments as the deep seas involve only the kingdom of these two in her opinion. She would talk of, how on board a ship, there would be only infinite water and the limitless sky till the vision met the horizon. 

Memories, memories and memories! Incessant they are like the rain, and in the eyes  leave of tears a train!

Pratima@ Invisible to eyes, memories sees the soul.

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