Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Courtesy Counts!

 Courtesy counts. At least so do I believe. You  have to be at least affable, decent, civil to/with others. That is my firm faith. I am polite even in contexts where I hold the position of power. Often such mildness might be considered stupid, I do know, though it does not much bother me. 

Let me give you a few examples. The other day I was at a nationalised bank. There was this FD certificate on which it was clearly mentioned either or survivor. Despite this obvious fact, the knowingly  ignorant lady at the counter kept on needling  loudly and very crudely regarding the death certificate. Finally, her own colleague screamed at her, shouting all the rules from the other end of the room. For no rhyme nor reason, she insulted herself, while trying to heckle me.

Let me give you yet another example. i am polite even with my students. Very rarely do i snap at them or scream at them. Basic courtesy and decency extended by one adult to another, right? As a result, their whatsapp messages are full of "okk, wokkey" type of English. Either English of these 'smart' types is very poor which is extremely likely  or their manners are poorer still which is equally probable.

Look at the behaviour patterns of most people, even 'educated' persons are no exceptions, these days. There is a blatant crude arrogance, a vacant self-importance, a cruel desire to belittle others every possible way, to take them for granted, to meanly show them down.

Actually such behaviour destroys the perpetrators' own worth. Why are people so crude and rude? Is it superiority complex, which is actually a cover up for deep seated insecurities? Nobody, not even the President of America, supposedly the most powerful person on this earth, is so busy that a few minutes cannot be spared.

May be, it is such brusqueness, meanness, viciousness that lead to deadly cold fridges that seem to freeze the very humanity these days! Well, possible as people are absolutely self-obsessed to the point of cruelty in their daily discourses! Is not this 'I could not care, as I can in any which way dare' attitude that leads to the police atrocities as in the Orissa episode with the lawyer and her lieutenant commander fiance?

 Forgive them, Oh, Lord, they know exactly very well what they are up to!

Pratima@Courtesy costs nothing, but it counts truckloads!

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